Mate. Mate. Mate. My wolf chants on repeat.

Everything slows down and I am gasping for air. Pressing a hand to Louis or Louie's chest in an attempt to stop him. It's burning down, everything is burning to the ground before me. I barely have a chance to get my thoughts in check.

Just looking at him feels amazing but now I recognise the pain on his face, the betrayal. This shit hurts more than anything I've ever experienced in my life. No one could prepare you for this. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

We're still just staring at each other as my ass gets fucked.

He's hurt. He's so fucking hurt. Beyond that. He's destroyed.

Then it hits me. His emotions. His deep fucking emotions. Then the fucking matebond, it collates and shatters around us like a glass vase. Pieces fall everywhere, impossible to fix because the damage is already done. It pierces my heart and begins to bleed inside my chest.

God. He's so painfully beautiful. Unlike any other wolf I've ever seen.

My eyes begin to sting because I can feel the bond glow in my veins, wrap around my heart and strangle it to a sensation of excruciating pain. Or maybe it's trying to kill me because I've been caught doing the worst thing imaginable.

Fucking another person in front of my mate.

Moments ago I thought matebonds meant shit. But right now... I feel everything.

My throat constricts, pushing my hand into his chest with more force to stop him. "What's wrong?" He asks, slowing down and then removing his cock altogether.

I jump up from the bed but my mate is already out of the door. "Wait!" I cry after him, collecting my clothes and rushing to put on my boxers and then my shirt. But when I look down the hall, all I see is a swamp of people in bondage, latex or nothing at all.

"Fuck," I curse under my breath.

My hands are shaking. Hell everything is shaking. I storm down the stairs, my eyes flicking over every person I can until they fall upon the back of sandy hair. I almost scream but I don't, I race towards him.

"Wait, stop." I beg. "Please."

He doesn't stop. Of course he doesn't.

"Please," I plead and lean forward to grip his shoulder.

I didn't expect sparks to shoot through my hand through the fabric of his t-shirt. But he jumps back anyway and whips his head towards me, eyes are red and jaw is clenched. Fuck, he's even more beautiful up close. Not the pretty boy kind but the absolutely mouthwatering handsome kind.

He's taller than me with broad shoulders and an impressive stance. He looks like a fucking warrior and I'm inferior to him.

His lips are carved perfectly, and those high cheekbones and long dark lashes. Now I realise that he has dark brown eyes, despite the fact they were dilated earlier. He looks mysterious and gorgeous all at once.

How have I never met this man before?

"Don't touch me," he snaps. "Get your disgusting hands off me."

I flinch at his tone and take a breath. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

He scoffs and shakes his head. No he's in utter disgust. Panic floods my mind, what am I meant to do? I can't catch my breath, my chest heaving like crazy. "Sorry?"

My throat clenches but he doesn't notice. "I didn'--"

"This shouldn't be how we met," he growls but the hurt is still evident. "We should have met at the park or in a fucking committee meeting. Not here whilst you get your ass fucking ploughed by someone that you're not meant to spend the rest of your life with."

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