I push the hood back.

My eyes widen. The left side of his face is scarred and his eye is grey, probably blinded, it's all completely burned. I place my hands over my mouth, not sure what to say or do. This is my fault, he pushed me away from the volcano, I should have done that myself. He shouldn't have had to sacrifice himself for me.

As if reading my thoughts, Viggo gently grabs my hand. 'Hey, this is not your fault Thyra. I made my own choice, and I'm glad I did okay?'

I gently touch the side of his face. 'Does it hurt?' 

My voice sounds different, more restrained, and more timid. Viggo shakes his head. 'No.' His voice also cracks. 

I wordlessly wrap my arms around him, and within seconds his arms are around me. I press my nose further in his tunic. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' 

Viggo's grip tightens. 'Don't be.' He whispers.

I have decided not to cry over him anymore. I decided that long ago. But here I am, silent tears rolling down my face. 

A part of me is so happy, so relieved to have him back. Another part of me feels guilty, and just the smallest part of me wonders if this was a good idea. No matter how much I keep caring for my brother, he does have enemies that bring a lot of problems. Yet I push that part away in a deep dark corner of my mind. I won't think about that. 

Viggo is the first to break the hug. He wipes the tears from my cheek and smiles. One of his rare soft smiles, the ones who don't give you the creeps. However, it quickly fades.

'Thyra...' He begins, unsure of what to say next. I tilt my head a little in questioning. 'You have to leave.' 

My eyes widen, a feeling of protest rising as soon as the words leave his lips. 'What!? No! I literally just found you! I have spent months looking for you!'

'I know, I know.' Viggo urgently makes a hushing gesture with his hands to calm me down. He sighs. 'But Krogan is not someone you want to mess with Thyra, he's dangerous.'

'Like I down know that!' I whisper angrily. 'I've seen what he does Viggo, I've been here for a while now, staying hidden, staying away from him while trying to find you. What's your excuse?'

'We're working together, I'll be fine. But you need to leave, do you really want to risk Midnight's life too? I know she must be here somewhere.'

I push his shoulder. 'Shut up, I don't want to hear it. I Can't just leave you again Viggo, I just got you back!'

A look of shock appears on his face. 'You really care that much?'

'What? Of course you muttonhead. Do you really think I would cross the seas , infiltrate the island of a dangerous dragon hunter with my dragon friend, and meet up with you if I didn't care?'

I huff, cross my arms, and look away. 'I'm not going anywhere unless you come with me.'

When I look back, Viggo is smiling. 'Alright then, I can't leave, not yet. But we can meet in secret if you so desperately want to see me.' He smirks.

I try not to show my happiness and raise my eyebrow. 'I don't desperately want to see you...'

'No, you just crossed the seas, infiltrated the island of a dangerous dragon hunter with your dragon friend to meet up with me. Not desperate at all.'

I ignore his sarcasm and nod. 'Precisely. I'm glad you're smart enough to get that.' Now it's my turn to smirk. 

A fond feeling blooms in my chest when I realize what we're doing. I'm talking and joking with my brother again. He isn't trying to catch me, to hunt my dragon, or to kill my friends. It's like we used to be, it's like it should be.

The younger Grimborn (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now