
Start from the beginning

Fayen has lost control over her muscles, or so it seems, because her mouth falls slightly open. She wants to go against him to tell him that is not possible, but it is actually not a bad idea. Still, it comes with many complications, most of them for Charles. She looks unsure, searching his face for the confirmation that he knows whet he is saying. "You would do that? You know nothing about the designer or his work. You know you will be linked to him, his image and this show by the reporters. Are you even allowed to do that?"

Charles bites his lip and Fayen sends a quick plea to the heavens for support, not wanting her knees to buckle from the sight. It is a sin how attractive this man is. She curses internally. Even in a situation like this, Fayen's traitorous body can't seem to work with her rationality.

The man releases his lip, but instead goes with a hand through his hair, which doesn't improve Fayen's physical well-being. She will get him to quit that habit, if only for her own sanity. "I honestly don't know, but that is an issue for the future," he answers. "For now, the most important thing is that this show runs smoothly. How long do we have?"

She looks down at her phone, still a little stunned by the whole situation. "About fifteen minutes."

"Okay, where do I need to go?"

Now Fayen bites her lip, still not sure if this is a smart idea. "Are you really sure, because-"

Charles cuts her off by taking her free hand and squeezing it lightly. He smiles at her with so much confidence that Fayen doesn't know how to keep herself steady. "Where do I need to go?"

Fayen swallows heavy, highly aware of the feeling of Charles' warm hand in hers. His hand is a little rough and dry. Probably from all the types of training he needs to do with them, but it is sturdy and holds her firm. The feeling gives her the nudge she needs to plant her feet back into the ground, and getting her head into the situation. She snaps out of it. This is the best solution, and since when does she concern herself with the image of Charles Leclerc? If he says he is willing to help in this way, she shouldn't be questioning him.

She nods once and grabs his hand a little better to tug him off to the area where all the clothing is displayed. The designers are lounging around in a small sitting area, waiting to walk behind the models after the show for the applause. She walks up to one of them, with Charles in tow.

"Mr. Termoine, Can I borrow you for a second?" Fayen asks. A young man with sand blonde hair looks at her and rises from his seat.

"Is something wrong?" Louis Termoine asks, looking from Fayen to Charles. He seems to recognize the Ferrari driver, because his eyes grow large, and he doesn't know how to hold himself all of a sudden. Charles just smiles at him in a friendly manner. Fayen can just contain her eye-roll as Louis keeps stealing glances at Charles. This is why she doesn't like being around him in public, everyone changes around a famous person, even though they are just people too.

"Not wrong, just a little issue." Fayen starts and that brings Louis full attention back to her. The concern is clearly audible in her voice, and this brings a look to Louis face that shouldn't be there a few minutes before his designs are shown. "The person who we fitted to your design is indisposed. So," she nudges Charles and he takes a step forward. "Mr. Leclerc offered to stand in as second. Could you see if the design will fit him?"

Louis looks back at Charles, now looking with a designer eye instead of an admiring fan. He scans him head to toe and then nod once. "I can see if that is an option. Dare I ask what happened to my model?" His voice is cold and not fitting with his age.

Fayen feels a sweat breaking out again, but she puts on a smile and shrugs at the man. "Nothing bad, he should be here in a few minutes. But just in case, it would be good to fit Charl- uh, Mr. Leclerc."

Charles steps forward and offers his hand. "Pleased to meet you, I am honoured to be working with you." They shake hands and Charles laughs. "Well, maybe. If it is needed."

Louis' seems to blush under Charles' flattery, and his concerns vanish at melting snow by the warmth of Charles' courtliness. "This way, please." Louis starts walking in front of the other man.

"Text me when you have an update," Charles whispers before walking after Louis.

Fayen's false smile falls again. She takes out her phone, dialling the agent she had spoken a few minutes before. The call goes straight to voicemail and her short lifted positivism falters. She takes off with a determination that could move mountains, to search for an adult man with no sense of responsibility.


This was written on my trip, so it is a little short. But I didn't want to leave you empty-handed.  I can't promise when the next update will be, because I'm back 6th of august. Until then, enjoy this cliffhanger. :)

Lots of Love

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