Chapter 11

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I woke up and walked downstairs. Ranboo wasnt home. "Weird but okay": i tought. I suddently heard my phone blow up with message's. I looked and i saw that on every platform so Insta, Tiktok, Facebook and even Twitter i got tagged in a video. And there where much shoked reaction. I watched the video and i understood everything the reaction, me being tagged, it al made sense. Basicly what happend in the video was Ranboo talking to someone and the person who filmed was hidden. Like they didnt want Ranboo to see him or her. But it was a very short video. Ranboo said to the guy:" I swear the next time ill tell Sarah to shut up. Im going to send her out of my house." I was shocked when i heard that. I put on some other clothes and i did my hair. Then i walked outside i got on the bus. And there i was. On the bus with 5 other people.  When i arrived it was already 7 PM. I walked or should i say hopped for about 10 minutes before i arrived. I sat down with my leg over the edge of the cliff. I wanned to jump but before u wanned to give myself reasons to jump. I tought of these:

1. Nobody cares abt me
2.My only friend who i loved betray me
3. My dad died
4. I had nothing
5. I had nobody to stay for

So i pushed myself over the edge. Until when i closed my eyes because i was gonna fall. But then i got pulled back. I could hear the person breath hard prob because they runned fast. "Sarah please for god sake what where you doing": the person said out of breath. I could hear it was Ranboo. I opend my eyes and yes it was Ranboo. "Ran i know you dont care about me i know about the video.": i said to him looking him dead in the eye. "Sarah you dont understand": he said. You could see he was trying not to panic.
"No Ran you said you where going to tell me to shut up . And that you where going to send me out of your house.": i said while trying to stand up. Ranboo then pushed me down and came to sit in front of me. I looked into his eyes and i could see the sadness, the panic, and the fear. "Sarah listen": he sad holding a and on my shoulder. "Sarah i meant i-": he said but i dint let him finsih. "Yes Ranboo what did you mean that you hate me and didnt give a shit abt me": i said. I walked away after that. I could hear Ranboo behind me talking asking me to anwser him. But i could i was mad as hell. "Sarah by telling you to shut up i meant asking to stop crying for me bc i hate to see you cry and i said it like that bc i was trying to impress that guy. And by telling you to get out of the house i meant going to Techno's funeral. Please talk to me": i heard him say. And when i said that my eyes where filt up with tears so i turned around and hugged Ranboo. I started crying. "Im sorry Ran im sorry im sorry im sorry.":i said hoping he would forgive me. "Its okay its my faulth you understood wrong bc i said it wrong. Its fine Sarah im happy you didnt jump": he said. We got into the car and drove home. When we where home we go in bed because it was a very long day.

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