ch. nineteen

67 1 1

"katsumi, get up and ready, we have to head out soon."

i wake up to my father lightly shaking me, squinting my eyes to adjust to the sunlight beaming into my room.

"i've just finished cooking, you don't want it to get cold."

i smile and send him a thumbs-up. slowly, but surely, i get up from my bed and shuffle over to the bathroom to do my usual routine, putting on a bit of makeup so i don't entirely look like i just woke up. even though it's only a little earlier than i get up for school, i feel extra lazy.

i change out of my sleeping clothes, and into a black t-shirt and my favorite cozy sweatpants.

i get my phone, airpods, and a sweater from my room before making my way downstairs, checking the notifications i missed while i was asleep. they're mostly random emails, and texts about me from oikawa in the group chat.

i plate some of the food my father cooked, sitting at the table to eat as he scrambles around the house with a sports bag in his hand.

"do you need help, papa?"

"no, no.. i'll find it. you finish eating, we're leaving in a few minutes." he goes up the stairs, his phone ringing as he calls someone.


we begin to head out right after i finish eating, and after my father found the bus keys he was looking for.

"wait—" i stop after taking my first step outside, "do i need to bring anything?"

my father shakes his head, "no, mizoguchi and i have everything covered. you could bring something for the bus ride since it'll be a while."

i think for a few seconds before slipping past him to go back inside, and to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and a box of strawberry pocky.

i go back outside, getting in the car and putting on my seatbelt before we drive off.


i get out of the car once my father parks in the aoba johsai lot, looking around for my friends, and spotting oikawa.

"katsumi-chan!" oikawa runs over to the car with a blanket wrapped around him, flowing in the wind like a cape. he wraps me into a hug before i can respond, his blanket draping around me. "did you sleep well?"

i take advantage of the warmth, pressing the side of my face into the blanket and nodding, "did you?"

"yep! like a.. like a newborn kitten that just ate for the first time!"

"that makes no sense." makki joins us, leaning against the car door.

"i don't know what i was going for! i'm still like, half asleep, let me be."

my father grabs two bags from the trunk of the car, coming over to this side of the car afterwards, "any word from kentaro?"

"nope.. you know how bad he is with mornings.." oikawa nervously chuckles, loosening the grip his hug has on me. 

"one of you call him. we're leaving soon.." my fathers voice trails off as he makes his way to the team bus.

i take my phone out of my sweatpants pocket. "i'll call him!"

"you have his number..?" makki looks at me in a puzzled manner.

"yeah! he actually called me last night.. it was super random.." i unlock my phone, going onto the facetime app to call kyotani.

he picks up within seconds, the view of him walking down a street, once again, filling the frame. "what."

before i can say anything, oikawa starts, "pick up the pace, slow poke! we're all waiting for you." he narrows his eyes at the screen, makki peering over his shoulder to silently join in the conversation. 

kyotani flips oikawa off before ending the call, earning a laugh from makki.

"oooh, when he gets here i'm gonna—!" oikawa runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, not knowing kyotani had just walked up behind him.

kyotani peeks his head through the empty space between makki and oikawa, "gonna what?"

oikawa slowly turns around, bringing the blanket off my shoulders. "heh.. um.. gonna tell you how amazing your hair looks today! did you try a new shampoo?"

kyotani looks at oikawa with his usual blank stare, walking off towards the bus without saying another word.

"i genuinely think my heart skipped a beat.." oikawa clutches his shirt, near his heart. "let's go in the bus! iwa-chan and mattsun are there~~" he uses his previously clutched hand to grab mine, pulling me to the bus with makki following behind.

"is that katsumi?" mattsun peeks out from his previously resting his eyes, rubbing them to keep himself awake.

i let go of oikawa's hand, going to the row mattsun's sitting in, "good morning, matsu-senpai!" i quietly greet him, cautious to not bother the other, probably tired, boys.

"good mornin'!"

"can i sit with you?"

"yeah, of course.." he moves his legs to the side so i can scoot by, taking the window seat.

oikawa and makki sit in the two seats on the other side of the aisle, leaving a sleeping iwaizumi sitting alone.

i put my water and snack between us, nuzzling up against mattsun's arm. "i'm still so tired.."

"here," mattsun moves his arm out from under me, putting it around me, "i'll be your personal pillow!"

i melt into the seat, mattsun's touch adding the perfect amount of comfort.

i take my airpods out of my sweatpants pocket and put one in my ear, queuing up my 'sleep' playlist so i can rest on the way to karasuno.


i feel mattsun move a bit from under me, which leads to a few taps on my shoulder.

"sorry to wake you, but we're here." mattsun gradually retrieves his arm from around me.

i stretch my arms out, softly groaning, "these seats are so uncomfortable.." i take out my airpod that, surprisingly, didn't fall out of my ear during my nap.

"you kids can either come with us, or roam around the area for a bit. mizoguchi and i will take your bags over to the school." my father announces before getting off the bus with mizoguchi, starting to grab our bags.

oikawa hops out of his seat, "let's go, i know a convenience store down the hill that has meat buns!"

i immediately perk up at the name of one of my favorite foods.

"at this time of day?" makki follows oikawa out of the aisle.

"yes!" i get up from my seat, slipping past mattsun's legs again, "do you know if they have boba?"

"hopefully, since we weren't able to get it yesterday.." oikawa narrows his eyes at makki, then mattsun.

mattsun crosses his arms, "hey, i thought we collectively agreed it would be better to get today!"

"i agree with makki. it's early." iwaizumi joins the conversation.

oikawa heavily sighs, "fine! we'll get it after the match, i guess.. but i still wanna go check it out!" he grabs hold of my hand, leading me out of the bus with the other third years following, guiding us down the hill and to 'sakanoshita market.'

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