ch. three

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"kio!" i exclaim as we walk into the shop, skipping over to the familiar cashier stood behind the register.

"katsumi, long time no see." my dear friend greets me as i get up onto one of the stools, kicking my feet while i wait for the upperclassmen to catch up.

"these are my upperclassmen, and this is akio!" i introduce my friends to each other as they sit down.

"nice to meet you guys. what can i get you?"

the third-years skim over the hanging menus before telling akio what they want.

"how do you know my katsumi?" oikawa raises an eyebrow, his elbow propped up on the counter as akio brews up my regular order.

"she's my girlfriend." akio looks to oikawa with a poker face as he pours my drink into a cup, adding my usual mix-ins.

"girlfriend?!" oikawa's voice flows through the shop, mattsun and makki's jaws dropping.

"kidding. we've been friends since.. forever."

the three sigh of relief in unison, oikawa pointing at akio. "don't scare me like that! i could've had a heart attack." he puts two fingers in his neck, checking for a pulse. i thank akio as he puts my drink on the counter, starting on the others drinks.


after oikawa pays for our drinks and his requested milk bread, we walk outside and sit on a bench.

"thank you for inviting me, oikawa-senpai!"

"anytiiiime, katsumi-chan~" oikawa wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer to him, laying his head against mine. "can you call me tooru, instead of by my last name?"

"oikawa, stop flirting! you told coach you wouldn't." mattsun nudges oikawa with his elbow. he's.. flirting?

"i'm not flirting! i'm just.. welcoming katsumi, duh."

"yeah, welcoming~" makki mocks. i let out a giggle and continue drinking my boba.

"so, katsumi-chan, how do you feel about the team so far?" oikawa questions.

"well, i've only really talked to you four.. but, you guys seem nice.. i think?"

"how was your first day?" iwaizumi questions.

"it was good!"

"tell me about it! i'm all ears~" oikawa rests his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees.

"hmm, i met you guys, that was good! um.. i made some friends in class! sukurai, mina and rina, yuri— oh, his hair is so cool! it's a really nice red, and.. yeah! that's it.." i finish talking and look to the boys.

"i love hearing you talk~" oikawa looks at me with sparkles in his eyes. mattsun and makki facepalm.

iwaizumi slaps the back of oikawa's head. "you're flirting again."

oikawa rubs the back of his head. "it's called being courteous, iwa-chan! not that you'd know anything about that.."

"pffft." makki and mattsun snicker.

"i think we should bring you home now! it's getting dark quick.." oikawa gets up from the bench. i hop off the bench and adjust my skirt.

"sensei texted me the address." iwaizumi says, looking at his phone and leading the way to my house.

arriving at my house, i skip up the walkway to the front door, ringing the doorbell and wait for my father to come open the door.

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