The Animus

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Hermione writhed in pain on the cold stone flooring, mouth gaping in a silent scream. She knew she was laying in her own sick, but couldn't bring herself to care. Not when everything hurt so badly.

She didn't know how long she'd been there. Seconds felt like minutes felt like hours; pain had a way of blurring the mental clock. All she knew was that she wanted it to stop, would do anything for a breath, for a moment of reprieve. A sob broke out of her chest and she began to beg.

Please don't kill me make it stop make it stop let me live take them instead hurt someone else

But that wasn't right...she'd never broken like that before; she'd always put herself in danger before her friends and family. Horror filled her stomach and she tried to stop her mouth from moving, tried to stop the betrayals from leaking out of her bloody lips, but she wasn't in control. Hermione clawed at her face, attempting to halt the pathetic admissions but she only managed to tear the skin off of her cheeks.

Kill my parents take Draco torture Harry anyone but me please I'm tired of hurting and hurting and hurting and hurting and hurting

No! She didn't want that, she didn't believe it, and yet her own body betrayed her. Hermione let out a strangled scream, slamming her skull against the floor. Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop–


Someone violently shook her, making her teeth rattle. With her eyes still closed, Hermione grabbed the attacker's shoulders, flipped over them, and pressed a knife against their throat. She could feel them trembling underneath her, and she huffed out a breath before cracking open her eyes. Confused, she blinked at the darkened room.


She finally really looked at the person within her grasp, looked at the tangled hair and fraying pajamas, and relaxed. Quick as a whip, she slid her dagger back into her pocket, shoved the boy off of her bed, and folded her arms crossly.

"What are you doing in here?" Her tone was sharp. She really did not enjoy people intruding into her personal space, especially in the middle of the night.

"Uh..." Ron stumbled over his feet and gripped her desk to right himself, "I heard you screaming..."

A sharp heat blazed on her right arm and Hermione hissed in pain. What the hell did he need in the middle of the night? At least the summons explained the nightmare a bit. Ron raised his hands placatingly at her reaction, not understanding.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, but I really wanted to help, and you sounded so distressed so I thought maybe I could–"

Are you alright, love?

Hermione blocked out Ron's ridiculous rambling and closed her eyes. I'm fine, Draco. Could you feel that nightmare?

I could. Was having my own at the time, as well.

Bloody hell, could he not wait until morning to summon us? Do you know what this is about?

Haven't the foggiest, but if he's summoning you...well, you'd better hurry. Bring the Stone. It's about time for our Bargain Week anyway. Can you get away?

I'll think of something. See you soon.

Hermione opened her eyes and was genuinely shocked to see Ronald still babbling. She held up a hand and he immediately fell quiet. She sighed. "It's okay, Ron. Really. It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry I pulled a knife on you, it's a bad habit."

His eyes widened and he nodded slowly; a blush was already creeping into his cheeks. "Alright. It's alright. You wouldn't have hurt me, I know it."

Hermione paused a beat. What a stupid thing to say. How could he know that? She didn't even know that. If she hadn't recognized him quickly enough, she certainly would have hurt him. And if it were a few weeks ago, she wouldn't have really cared if she cut him up a bit. She shook her head as her mark burned again, this time more intensely. Time to move.

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