Finding Sympathy and Hope

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Cinders and Ashes

A/N: Okay, so this one is much shorter than the last one I posted several months ago, but hey, there's not a lot to go about in this chapter. Why waste prolonging two scenes? It would be a waste of both a lot of words and a lot of breath. However, to make up for it, some pretty big stuff will be revealed in this chapter. Well, I think they're big, but I'll let you guys decide that.

Anyway, let's get on with Chapter 9! Roll it!

Chapter 9

Finding Sympathy and Hope

Ash laid against the wall, near the door, his soft crying having stopped a couple of hours ago. It was the middle of the night, and the cost of his body slowly stopping his blood from continuing to leak through the makeshift bandages was great hunger. He had already heard his stomach growl five times.

He then sighed as he held his empty and pleading stomach with one arm. He turned to look over at the window, the moonlight gleaming through the narrow window. He really hoped that one of his other Pokémon friends would come by again with some food.

Pikachu must have told their friends from the forest about what had happened, and little by little as the day went by, they brought Ash some Berries to replenish his strength and help with his wounds. He was grateful for the tidbits of food, but because it took so much for his body to ease up with the blood flow, he would get more and more hungry. He needed more food.

Why wouldn't Giovanni finish me off already? Ash thought to himself bitterly. Then the answer came to him.

Apparently, he wants him to suffer. He was convinced that eventually, Dawn will give up searching for her Mystery Prince and will be forced to marry someone of the court's choosing. Then once that was done, he would then kill him to put him out of his heartbroken misery.

Just then, Ash heard something shuffling outside. He immediately sat up and slightly backed away from the door.

"Who's there?" He asked. "Hello?"

"Ash, it's me." came a quiet whisper.

He blinked at the familiar voice. "Serena?"

A faint golden light soon came from behind the door, gradually getting brighter. "Finally got this candle lit." Serena muttered to herself.

On the other side, Serena had lit the oil lamp that was in her hand, while under her arm, she was carrying a roll of fresh bandages. Her Sylveon was carefully holding a plate of food with her ribbon feelers; a good-sized slab of steak, mashed potatoes, peas, and a fork to eat with.

"Here, Ash." She whispered to the captive on the other side. "Food. And some fresh bandages."

She and Sylveon then slid the plate and the roll underneath the door. "I would help you change your bandages, but Father has the key to the attic hidden somewhere. I couldn't find it."

"It's okay." Ash assured her as he took the plate and bandages. "Thank you."

Serena listened to Ash hungrily devour the food she brought, shaking her head lightly at his lack of manners at the moment. She didn't mind this time; he was practically starving. After five minutes, he slid the plate back under the door, having nothing left, not even a little scrap. She smiled faintly before she heard him speak up again.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked her as he removed the makeshift bandages around his shoulders and began to unroll the unused roll of clean ones.

"You don't deserve this." Serena answered softly. She could sense Ash looking at the door as if he could see through it to look at her when she said that.

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