Midnight Chase of the Last Night

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Cinders and Ashes

A/N: Finally! I've been really busy with work, and now school that I haven't had time to write much of anything lately. But I really hope that you guys have been patient, since like I said before, as much as I could write all day, I do have a life that doesn't fully revolve around it. Now that I'm in school, maybe I can finally update some stories, as well as sharing new ideas I've had recently.

Well now, let's get on with Chapter 7, where the real chase begins. Roll it!

Chapter 7

Midnight Chase of the Last Night

The next morning, Ash had noticed that everyone in the manor seemed to be in a negative mood. At least everyone who was human. Giovanni looked almost furious, and Miette was trying to make doubly sure that she and Serena would catch the eyes of every man there, including the princess's mysterious suitor, by tightening their corsets until neither felt like they could really breathe, but would greatly accentuate their curves on their chests and hips. Ash, along with Pikachu, wisely made the decision to stay out of everyone's way throughout the day. No one seemed very happy at the moment, and it was because of him. Or rather, the Mystery Prince.

The familiar small twang of sorrow hit his chest as he washed and scrubbed the pile of dirty dishes that were in the sink. Tonight was his last night with Dawn, and as much as the thought hurt, there was no way that anything was going to stop him from seeing her. He had promised her, after all. The reminder of that, as well as spending more time with the pretty princess, quickly lifted his spirits as he continued to scrub at a tough stain on one of the plates.

When evening came, Giovanni and his daughters were ready to go. Since the last night of the festival was formal wear, they were all dressed in their finest clothes. Giovanni wore a black suit with gold buttons. Serena wore a strapless red ball gown with a darker red sash with ribbon and dark red and orange frills on the skirt and white gloves on her hands, along with a matching hair ribbon in her hair. Miette wore a blue ball gown with off-the-shoulder straps and light lavender frills on the skirt, with longer white opera gloves on her hands and a blue bandana in her hair.

 Miette wore a blue ball gown with off-the-shoulder straps and light lavender frills on the skirt, with longer white opera gloves on her hands and a blue bandana in her hair

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"Tea and biscuits upon your return, Your Grace?" Ash asked the Grand Duke.

"Don't bother." Giovanni answered. "We will be back very late, and we'll be very tired. But I do expect the entire main floor to be spotless when we return."

"Yes, Your Grace." Ash answered, bowing his head.

Once the carriage left, Ash carefully bided his time by sweeping the hallway again before racing towards the garden, followed by Pikachu. Already, his parents had changed the pumpkin into a carriage and changed the Pokémon into their disguised forms. They smiled brightly when they saw their son, looking excited to be going.

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