Webby POV

I felt my heart shatter when 30 minutes later Dewey announced that we had arrived. I looked around and saw the scared look on Mabel’s face and that look was enough to get me to pull myself together. I had to win this fight, if not for Scrooge and the others, than for Mabel and her other world. Me and Mabel are very alike and I would’ve liked to meet her under different circumstances.

I walked over to Huey and grabbed a few knives from a box nearby.

“Ready?” I asked him.

“Not really, but what other choice do we have?” He replied nervously.

“You can still sit out if you want.” I reminded him gently.

“No.” Huey said fiercely. “I want to fight.” I nodded at him and gave him a mock salute and a smile before walking over to Dewey.

“How’s it going?” I asked him.

“We’re landing nice and safely… I think, I’ve only ever landed a plane like once before.” Dewey chuckled.

“World's most trustworthy pilot here folks!” I joked.

“Psh, c’mon you know I’ve got this!” Dewey replied and gave me a playful shove, leaving one hand on the driving stick (What are those called? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?) of course.

“Sure you do.” I grinned before leaving him as well to go talk to Louie and Violet, who had been talking for the last hour on the plane. “Heyyyyy, mind if I interrupt?” I smiled, appearing right in the middle of the two.

“Not at all.” Vi replied warmly.

“How are we feeling over here?” I asked the duo.

“We’ve got this! I know we do.” Louie replied immediately.

“Vi?” I said and turned to her.

“It took some convincing,” Vi said with a look at Louie, who smirked. “But I also think we’ll be fine.”

“Fantastic, because Dewey’s landing the plane as we speak.” I informed them.

“Hope he doesn’t crash it this time.” Louie snickered.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Triplets.” I sighed and received a laugh from the two of them in turn. “But you guys are ready for this right? I mean with everything that’s been going on, I know it hasn’t exactly been easy to say how you’re actually feeling.” I stated.

“No, we're good.” Louie replied with a smile at Vi. (I just love those two!)

“Now, where are the knives?” Violet asked, cracking her knuckles.

Huey POV

I just knew that this was all going to end horribly. I had this horrible feeling in my gut. It was almost like something inside of me was slowly eating away at me.

I was just praying that it was just stress and not the weird demon thing inside of me. I had a feeling that I should stay in the plane, but I knew that it would be selfish to stay while everyone else is fighting for their lives out there.

We all slowly walked off the plane, alert and weapons ready. I looked to my side and noticed Gos and Dewey seemed to be having some kind of silent argument. I decided to brush it off, figuring that they’d handle it themselves.

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