A Christmas Gathering

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December 24, 2042

Its a another day at Gladwyn Jebb joint Air Force Base, located at California where the 6th "Numbskull" Company of 12th Regiment of the 78th UN Infantry Division resides. It was a day before Christmas and everyone was preparing for it.

At Dorm 215

Matthew was writing down on his diary, Tom was watching News on the phone, Dominguez was asleep and Mark was out doing some exercises

"Hey Matthew!" Tom called out

"Eh? What do you want Tom?" Matthew replied

"Do you have a Christmas Wish or something?" Tom asked

"Eh... I don't know" Matthew said

"What? You don't know? What kind of person doesn't know their Christmas wish?" Tom sarcastically said

"Oh shut up, I've been busy talking with my parents and my brothers recently" Matthew replied

"Eh, whatever" Tom says as he continues watching in the phone


Scorza was discussing things alongside Barrera and Cawthon when Higgins ran towards them

"Hey Scorza!" Higgins calls out

"What now Sergeant?" Scorza wearily said as he was about to ride the Humvee

"Captain, Evans requested you to be in his office" Higgins replied

"Eh?" Scorza uttered before taking a look at Barrera and Cawthon and then he stands up

"I'll be back" Scorza said before he heads to the Operation Center

At the Operations Center

Evans was sipping coffee as Scorza soon enters the room

"Sir!" Scorza said as he saluted him

"Ah, Scorza! I need to tell you something" Evans replied

"What is it Sir?" Scorza questions

"I'm heading home for a Christmas vacation, you and your lieutenants alongside Colonel Leonov are in charge of this base right now" Evans said

"W-what?" Scorza uttered

"Look, just watch over the men stationed here since most of our soldiers head home for Christmas" Evans replied

"Are you sure about this sir? What i-" Scorza said before getting cut off by Evans

"Calm down, make sure the soldiers here stay disciplined and obedient alright? Leonov and you are now in charge... Anyways, I'll head home now" Evans said as he stands up, dusts off his uniform and left the Operations Center

"Well crap, looks like I'm in charge, now where the fuck is Leonov?" Scorza wondered

At the Hangars

Leonov was seen soundly asleep at a hammock tied between two F-15 Eagles, Scorza was approaching and then he yells

"Wake the fuck up Kernel!" Scorza yells

"Huh?!" Leonov wakes up and suddenly falls from his hammock into the floor

"Ah, geez sorry if I wake you up rudely sir, but I got some information" Scorza says

"Argh, what now?" Leonov asks while wiping his eyes and yawning

"Evans was now in a vacation, me and you are now in charge of this base" Scorza replied

"Huh? Why?!" Leonov said as he is surprised

"Well I don't know and I don't give a crap if you complain, you're now in charge, you deal with the desk work while I deal with the morons on the ground" Scorza sternly said

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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