The Dragon And The Wolf

Start from the beginning

He had heard of the supposedly otherworldly beauty of the scions of Old Valyria. Aemond was a handsome man for sure but nothing out of the realm of reason.

His intended was a different story. He hadn't once thought a man can fall in love on first sight. Such was only found in romantic maidens' tales. And even then tragedy was just around the corner. But as he felt his heart thumb loudly and his hands clench, he reconsidered this theory.

Afraid to make a fool of himself the longer he remains quiet, he lowered his head a little to the royals and addressed the Queen."It's a honor you grace. I hope our houses will have a long and fruitful alliance for generations to come."

He carefully took the hand of the princess and laid a chaste kiss. He couldn't care less he was acting like the love struck southern knights he derided as a child. He won't be doing anything to comprise this union.

Too bad his other half didn't have any quarrels about breaking court etiquette. Ragnar sprung out from the back of the riders' column and nearly tackled princess Helaena to the ground.

At once the armed escort, the Red Cloaks and two knights of the Kinsguard he just noticed took out their weapons.

Shit. Starks don't go south. It was a simple rule drilled into heirs from the moment of their birth. And now he's started a war against the Targaryens.

There was a faint sound coming from under Raganr's hulking form. He should've noticed it wasn't the loud shrieking of a terrified girl but his mind was on other matters. For example, how likely he could make it back to the ship before the entire city Watch descend like hounds . A pointless act as Dragonfire will rain from above the seas just as it does on land, he lamented.

"Stop, stop. Puppy."

When the princess got up smiling, covered not with mortal wounds but the signs of spit, he was awestruck.

He was licking her. The big oaf. Marking her before he can. He should've left him North. How dare he accost his betrothed like a mindless beast. It's not noteworthy that Cregan and Ragnar share a mind. He obviously would never do such a thing. Without her consent.

"I'm truly sorry my princess. Ragnar never behaves this way. It won't happen again. You have my word" He tried to quickly apologize. The armed men hadn't sheathed their blades yet. But they also haven't struck him down, so that's a plus.

Helaena showed no sign of discomfort. She actually massaged the back of Ragnar's head. Lucky bastard.

"No need to apologize my lord. He's a majestic creature." She turned to the prince Aemond with a slight frown on her face. It might've been the cutest expression he's ever seen but he would never tell another soul."Why didn't you tell me you saw a direwolf brother?"

"I didn't sister. He never introduced his furry companion". Aemond spoke with an accusing tone, quickly trying to absolve himself from any crime the princess thought him guilty of. Cregan completely understands. He'll never do anything to displease Helaena for as long as he lived.

"Ragnar is his own wolf. In the north, he likes to run free. He's less a pet and more like .."

"The other part of your soul". Heleana finished in a too knowing voice.

He never asked the prince about their connection to the dragons. Colossal weapons of destruction was all he saw. Why did one need to feel for his best tool for conquest and subjugation? Perhaps he was wrong. And the Targaryens are as bonded to their mounts as the Starks are to the wolves.

"Exactly". He really could drown in her amethyst eyes. It'd be a fine death.

"If it's not too forward, may I ask the princess to escort me on a scroll through the gardens? With a chaperone, of course". Bran and Ned would tear him to his pieces if they heard his attempt at courtship. He doesn't care. The Gods favor him clearly.

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