Know your grandmamah and new friends

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At Patrick's cabin, we see Ursula pasing back and forth with worried until the front door was open and saw her son. Patrick! *She ran up to her son and hugs him* where were you I was trying to call you, I heard there was an accident and-- "mom you're gonna believe this but the kraken princess has appeared!" W-what? "I need to call dad!" Patrick said as he ran to the pantry and in the kitchen and grabbed what looks to be a strange looking seashell. He ran out through the back door and into the docks, he toss the seashell into the water, then the water began to rise up like a tower of water as it took form of a holoprojection of a person. Dad! Can you hear me? "[Son, is that you?] Yeah it's me and listen there's something you're not going to believe.

Back with Ruby, she, her mom, and her uncle arrive back to their house.

Inside the store we see Author drinking some coffee and Sam on his phone till Ruby came into the door. Hey, tadpole. What's up? Author asked how would I know? No one tells me anything Ruby replied walking pass her dad before Agatha walks in. Ruby fell into the ocean, Author she told him. (Gasp) oh no! "And you didn't die?" Sam said before Brill comes in.

Die? Who said anything about dying "oh no..." Who's this kid?/Who's that guy? "Uh, that's our son Sam" Author said son? As in, I'm an uncle? Again? *Lifts Sam in the air* "I've never had a uncle before" and I've never had a nephew before. "Brill!" Agatha said as he puts her son down while close all the windows and brought nessy food bowl inside and turning the lamp on.

Ruby have a seat *she sets her daughter on the chair* let me explain. You see when you went into the ocean, it triggered... Uh, it released-- "the kraken!" Brill said throwing confetti into the air and blowing the party horn. Then Author takes Brill aside.

What Brill means is that you turn into a giant kraken *Ruby looks down on her hand* but your not alone *Agatha takes her hand and presented her with her glowing suction cups* I turned into a kraken too "w-what? WHAT? You knew?! *Agatha nods and Ruby grabs a ship in a bottle with with a ship being held by a tentacles* so, I'm this? The horrible stereotype of krakens that you said humans made up "I'm offended" Brill said well it sells Author added as Brill blows the party horn at him.

So what else is true about me mom? Do drown ships? Eat sailors? "*Takes the bottle from her* No, No! Honey. Not at all." All this time, you told me we were hiding from monsters, and it turns out I'm the monster. You lied to me! "Think of it more as a tiny omission" Agatha said. Come on. Turn giant, I'm recording "Sam, put it away" but this is the coolest thing ever!" Sam said. It is not cool! I was already a little weird, but this. I can't hide this "yes, you can" you don't get it, mom. Every single day, I made sure no one notices all the ways that I am different. I push my hair in front of my gills, and I stand like I have s spine. It's hard, but this is impossible. "No, because you can control it, Ruby. Just like I have all these years" yeah, but you don't have to go to school with tentacles!

Do I get tentacles too? Sam asked. Sorry, son. Only the women in our family can turn into giants Author told him. The men just become older, rounder version of ourselves. It's not great Brill said then Ruby gets notification on her phone.

Ruby, listen. The ocean triggers the transformation. But if you stayed on dried land, you'll stay small and on two legs. "Oh cool everybody at school is now talking about the monster that destroyed the library" Ruby said as the lights began to flicker. As long as no one figures out it's you we're safe Agatha said. You're body is going through changes. Think of it as blossoming "ugh Dad"

Does your tentacles ooze ink? "-Sam!". Soon everybody started talking as Ruby is being overwhelm by this and starting to stress out.

Can everybody just, STOP!! Ruby snapped as the light bulbs suddenly popped. Dad this isn't a good thing. Sam I'll strangle you with my tentacles. And mom, I can't. I just can't right now! Ruby said angrily as she marches up the stairs. Ah, she forgot about to do me "I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" She yelled.

Ruby Gillman Teenage kraken (Re-vision) (the four kingdoms)Where stories live. Discover now