1. Damsel in distress

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If Sophia was being honest, this summer had felt as though it was the longest break she has ever had. Usually she felt the days pass by quite quick before she was back to hogwarts. However this time things were different, it was her first time with the Diggory household. They were a wonderful family, frankly speaking; what Sophia appreciated most was how patient they were with her. Her now adopted parents had made it quite clear that she could take as much time as she would like getting used to the change knowing that it's a drastic one. As odd as Sophia thought it was, she settled on referring her first adopted parents as 'mom and dad' where as she called her second adopted parents 'mother and father' Odd or not, it worked for her and so she stuck to it. "Come on now, come on. Cedric ! Sophia!'', the voice of Amos Diggory ushered them over the usual bustle of Kingscross station. "You ready for this, Sophia Diggory ?" Cedric asked as they steadied their way towards the wall they would soon run through. No, it wasn't that they had become the perfect siblings. Both of them had a mutual understanding about the situation and went with the flow, slowing growing their bond as a family. Sophia would be lying if she said the fact that she knew Cedric ever since her first year didn't help at all. Cedric knew Sophia quite well, considering that she was in the same house as him, having spoken to each other a fair amount of times. "Let's go Cedric Diggory, right after you" Sophia smiled. And with that he disappeared into the wall as she followed with their parents right behind. "Now, I want you both to take care of yourselves, study hard." Amos patted both their backs, his positively jolly aura breaking through. "Got it, dad", Cedric replied with a gentle excited grin over his face, doing so hugging his parents. He then patted Sophia on the shoulder before taking off with both their luggage giving them a moment. "I'll try my best father. I truly appreciate you both so much. Thank you for everything." she said, allowing them to gently hug her as she heard a muffled "Oh don't be so formal dear, it's quite alright." Amos joked, "we would've missed your cookies, dear. Thank you for baking us a batch early in the morning.""Not at all, it's my pleasure..Truly ! " She replied almost immediately. Cedric had strolled back and with one last farewell with many reminders of writing to them, they finally parted their ways. Sophia noticed the glance Cedric took at her as he noticed his friends a few ways farther causing her to let out a small laugh, "Go ahead Cedric. Go catch up with them. I'll be with my friends any moment now", and that assurance was all he needed before he darted out to his friends clearly very happy to be back. "Catch you later then" he said walking away to which she replied with a nod, not wanting to raise her voice.

Just as Sophia glanced around for her friends, she instead spotted Mrs. Weasley. Her mom and dad had been muggles so it was quite overwhelming the first time they came to drop her off. Mrs. Weasley had helped them out, not only that, but every time she noticed them at the station she made a priority to atleast greet them. And Sophia could tell her parents appreciated the kind gesture greatly. Mrs. Weasley always made sure to remind Sophia that she was always welcome for a stay at the burrow, even after her parents had passed away.. the interaction may have minimised but she was still just as kind. 'The least I could do, is atleast greet her' Sophia thought, making her way towards Molly with a smile. "Hello Mrs. Weasley... I just noticed you were standing here and wanted to meet you. How are you?" She inquired politely as Molly smiled wide, "oh look at you dear, how much you've grown and it hasn't even been that long." Immediately wrapping her arms around the girl patting her cheeks gently causing her to fluster ever so slightly. "How have you been?" She asked pointedly. The rest of the weasleys had probably boarded the train already for which Sophia was silently thankful for, not wanting to have any sort of attention. "I've been good, they've been good. Everything is alright Mrs. Weasley, don't you worry." She replied clearly knowing exactly what molly was asking about. "Oh right, just a minute" and with that Sophia was gone and back in a minute, bringing a box with her, "I'll be sure to bake you a btach next time Mrs. Weasley but please have a few cookies for now" she explained with a sense of regret in her voice. "It's the thought that counts dear. You've made me so happy just coming up to talk to me like this. Do make it often dear, stay in touch. If you need help you've always got me dear" she said giving Sophia's hand a gentle squeeze taking just one or two cookies. Molly glanced behind Sophia, instructing her to close the box, which Sophia did with furrowed brows. Before she could even question Mrs. Weasley or take a look back she was engulfed in a hug as she heard a squeal she knew all to well. "Aurora !!" the girl with her bushy hair getting even bushier exclaimed as the were ready to jump into each other. Aurora stopped as she apologized, "I'm so sorry Mrs. Weasley. I got excited." She gave a slightly nervous smile. Now, this time, before Mrs. Weasley could even reply, the girls were engulfed in a another hug although this one wasn't as packed as the previous one. "Trustin, you're here !" The girls stated as he slowly let go. "I've been waiting for a while now, that is until I spotted you guys from the windo-" he immediately noticed Mrs. Weasley and stopped mid-sentence " oh I'm sorry, did I interrupt.. I didn't mean to." Mrs. Weasley, on the other hand, had an endearing smile watching hugs and apologies unfold simultaneously, "Oh look how lovely you all are. Not a problem, not a problem" Sophia, as she straightened her clothes, introduced her friends, "guys, this is Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley, these are my best friends, Aurora Elrose and Trustin Hendrick. Family even." Sophia added smiling at them. Aurora and Trustin smiled at her gently bowing their heads to show respect. "You lot are in your fifth year now" she took a pause glancing at her twins who seemed to be helping out with someone's luggage "Work hard but have good times as well ! Eat well. Rest well." Aurora had to admit how touched she was by this kind woman. She believed it was sweet of the woman to include them in the concern of her very own sons. That was just the type of person the blue eyed girl was, appreciative, gentle and loving in general. "We'll be on our way then, Mrs. Weasley." Sophia gently held her hand bidding her goodbye only for three of them to recieve a side hug. As Trustin let them to the compartment he hunted down as he stated. Aurora and Sophia held each other close as they walked behind. "She really is just as sweet and kind as you described. Maybe even more" Aurora admitted to which Sophia smiled, "this is just a bit of how kind of a woman she actually is."

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