! Prologue

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A little input about my characters :

1. Sophia Black

Background :

Born to be an orphan, Sophia Black, daughter of Regulas Black, grew up in an orphanage up until being adopted at an age of six by the Scotts; a lovely muggle couple and their son. Just as planned, she recieved her Hogwarts letter right on time. Although this was a shock to her family, with a bit of courage and understanding they gladly obliged. As fate would have it, the Scotts had passed away in a tragic accident during Sophia's third year leaving her alone. It was only then that she was informed of her true family line. Although, she knew she was adopted, her being the daughter of Regulas Black was a surprise not only for her but everyone in Hogwarts. Sophia made it through her fourth year coping with her loss and by the end of it she was adopted by the Diggory household. Being a Hufflepuff, knowing Cedric Diggory quite well, she accepted it and after summer, returned to Hogwarts, for her fifth year as Sophia Diggory. The Sophia till her third and the Sophia from her fourth year were two different people. Although she didn't loose her charming personality, she lost her out going character, growing to be quite a reserved person with that of a shy persona. She was quite a well average student until her grades took a higher turn becoming one of the best students of her year. She had become extremely punctual, trying to reach perfection, learning various new hobbies. Her love for quidditch never did change but she quit the Hufflepuff quidditch team which not only concerned her house but the other houses of Hogwarts as well considering that that she was, in fact, a skilled player.

She changed because she wanted to and she accepted it. Her friends being wary at first realised that soon enough and accepted it as well, loving her the same. After all, tho her personality did change a bit, she was the same Sophia Scott they first fell in love with.

Character :

Sophia was quite a chubby girl with dark black hair just below her shoulders that had shades of orange at the lower tips, that matched with her sunset irises. It wouldn't be right to describe it as curly but her hair was slightly wavy and more bushy. She had light pouty lips as her doe eyes were surrounded by her small round face that was covered by her bangs at the top. Clear fair skin and was quite short, which she didn't mind at all. She aced all her subjects but enjoyed transfiguration more and that probably had a lot to do with professor mcGonagall than with the subject itself. One to many hobbies that include drawing, painting, cooking, applying makeup, riding bikes and beyond. She loved designing dresses and already has many books filled with various sketches. A passion for fashion lived in her and was quite creative with everything she tried. Although she had a kind and caring heart in general, she cares ever so deeply for her friends and family and would do anything for them.

•'° Sophia Black °'•

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•'° Sophia Black °'•

2. Aurora Vesper Elrose

The daughter of one of the most respected families in the pureblood community. Best friends with Sophia ever since they met each other on their first train ride to Hogwarts.

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