Your Training Begin

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As the new dawn came, Toga was still sound asleep on the futon she discovered in her hideout. But while sleeping, she began to hear the voice of Deku speaking to her.


"Toga, time to get up."

Hearing his gentle voice, Toga begins opening her eyes as she then sits up and rub your eyes.


"Did you sleep well?"


"(Yawn) Yeah I did.'"

As Toga stopped rubbing her eyes, she looked on the head and saw Deku sitting down in front of her.





Looking at Deku, Toga get spooked as she realizes that Deku is actually here.


"I-I-Izuku!? Your alive!? B-but how? I saw you die."

Seeing how spooked she is, Deku moves a bit closer to calm her down.


"Calm down Toga. I have a reasonable explanation for this."


"A-are you a ghost?"


"Ha, no I'm not a ghost. I'm just the 9th user of One For All, who's come here to help you."


"One for all? 9th user?"


"Yeah it's a long story to explain, which I will tell you in due time. But to cut it short Me and All Might were the only ones with this quirk. There were other users and I'm one of them and so are you now. So I came here to teach you how to use One For All."


"Teach me? Does that mean I'll be able to do the same things you did before?"


"Yes, but we don't have much time. So I need you to get up and eat something good for you, after that change into something that you can work out in. Once you do, go outside and your training will begin."


"Okay Izuku, I'll do that."


"Good, I'll be waiting for you."

Suddenly Deku vanished right in front of Toga's eyes.

~One For All~

Once Deku returned into One For All, he began to hear the voices of the previous users.

~4th user~

"So 9th, do you actually believe that this girl could carry on One For All?"


"Yes I do."

~6th user~

"You sound quite certain of this. Why?"


"Because I believe she could be the one to stop this al this."

~7th user~

"If he believes that then so do I. Let's give her a chance just like how he gave 9th here a chance."

~5th user~

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