Learning the supernatural

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When Zelretch came to his place, he call Issei's parents to say that he was staying with a friend and he's not wrong.

When issei woke up, he saw he was in a different place than his room. The door open up and he saw it was Zelretch.

"Zelretch" said issei with a surprise face.

"Ah issei isn't this surprise" said the man.

"And you use the power of the class card with archer" said Zelretch.

"Archer, but I did choose the blank card and you said that it would help me to achieve my dream" said Issei.

"Yes, you did but is the archer card is gone?" said Zelretch.

"Yea. Archer is gone, but that makes me archer?" said Issei. 

"In a sense yes, but you have two" said Zelretch and Issei was shock about this revelation that he made. 

"The two heroic spirits are Emiya Archer and Gilgamesh" said Zelretch. 

"Gilgamesh has a ego that surpass angra mainyu, but he has the power to back him up. But Emiya have copy some noble phantasms from others and also have broken noble phantasm yet he was human back then. But he had some magecraft like reinforcement and projection magecraft that your body that has accustomed and I could help you to teach. Also you have a sacred gear, not any sacred gear a longinus that houses a heavenly dragon and you my friend your a power house and the training that I'm going to implement" said Zelretch. 

Issei was shock from that explanation he made, and that he houses two heroic spirits and included a longinus sacred gear he was a terrifying opponent to fight. He remember from watching an anime called fate and saw Gilgamesh power to create any weapon that houses in the Gate of Babylon. He was powerful but with the right training he can implement that power to be a hero. 

"But you have other class card and that can make you a group and achieve that dream to become a hero" said Zelretch

"My own team" as Issei said that some of the class cards shows some figures like a knight with a red symbol in the chest area and a person with red cape, a woman covering her eyes wielding a staff, a black knight with red outline in the eyes, and a pegasus. 

"Yes, you have 10 class cards and those ar-" as he said it issei cut him off and said "Saber, lancer, rider, berserker, caster, assassin, archer and the the sub-class like ruler, avenger, foreigner, beast, moon cancer, shielder, alter ego, and pretender". "Yes those are the types of class you have".

"Well you gotta build your team then" said Zelretch.

"Well Im learning from the start" said Issei.

"Well you are" said the old man.

As this conversation was taking some time, the girl woke and saw she was in a different room and tied to a chair with a strong binding magic.

'Where am i?' said the woman as she was struggling to get free, but the door open and showing it was Issei and Zelretch.

"Zelretch can you leave for a bit" said issei.

As he said it, Zelretch left, but the girl was starting to feel fear but she was trying to make a bluff to escape easily from him.

"What is your name?" as he said that she was tensing up from remembering an event from her past. He saw she was tensing up and he stop talking and said he won't do nothing to her. She heard that and thinking what she would do. ""

"My name is Millet" said millet.

"Ok millet, thanks for trusti-" said Issei.

"I am not trusting you after what your kind did to me" millet said with an angry expression to her face. As she said this, Issei was confuse to what she said.

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