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Hello, Thank you for reading.

This isn't my first time but I am really new to this. I decided to write this because I hate my last fic and it's getting discontinued. Ive learnt from last time to not just make it up as you go.

Never again.

Incase you didn't read the tags this fic is gonna be really angsty for Izuku, he's gonna have a lot of peer pressure and be abused and all that jazz, I also wont skimp over the blood and gore, There will be a lot, Maby not right away but defiantly later in the fic.



Izuku walked glumly down the run-down streets as alarms blared- probably police sirens, the area Izuku survived in was a very bad one, on a good day. On a good day, The rats would scurry under your feet as innocent people would get mugged, shot, robbed and the property was vandalized all around him. The whole rundown place was driving Izuku crazy. Izuku had gotten out of school 20 minutes ago and had begun to walk home to his dad's caravan, walls rotting and rusting as the freshly shattered glass made its home amongst the rest that nobody bothered to clean. Izuku had started junior high just over 3 months ago, and he hated it. Nobody saw him for anything but his quirk, his ridiculously overpowered quirk. A cool breeze washed over Izuku as he made it to the halfway point, marked by the dimly lit billboard that had graffiti all over the screen. The screen that had changed exactly 417 times science he had moved here. Izuku paused his walk home for a moment to pull his bag off of his shoulder and take out his zip-up grey hoodie from the bottom of his bag, It didn't help with the cold that much but Izuku took what he could get. Izuku had no reason to be home, he had no reason to want to be there, but if his dad decided he wanted to train with Izuku today, he would make sure he trained, even if Izuku hadn't slept in days.

Izuku truly hated his dad, he really, really did, But he could never let him find out. Ussaly, after school his father would take him down to a polluted beach with rubbish and rusting waste that blocked the view from anybody passing by the street. When his father got his mom pregnant, he was planning for Izuku to have his quirk or a quirk with similar destructive capabilities, but he got nowhere close. Izuku was born with a quirk never even heard of by either family, It was a mystery but it had happened. Izuku was born with a quirk the doctors couldn't identify, they just said that izuku would grow up to hold Tremendos power, and that's all Izukus father cared about, he heard the word power and took him from his mother in his sleep and brought him half way across the country.

Once Izuku's quirk had shown up, Hizzashi had made him train for weeks non stop only letting him eat 1 meal a day and sleep 6 hours. Izuku was used to it now but it took serious effect on him when he was younger.

Hizzashi was more than thrilled when Izukus quirk turned out to be some sort of strength enhancement quirk, even more so when Izuku developed even more quirks, By the time he was 9 he had already mastered his base strength and could run up to 180kmph, Izuku was 12 when he first discovered black whip, It was the hardest thing he'd ever had to master, and that scared him, Ussaly Izuku learnt stuff quick enough for his father to give him the occasional burn on his wrist or a smack across the face, but now it was far worse than that because by not improving Izuku was directly disobeying his father's orders, that's when everything would hurt the most.

Izuku turned the corner and walked into the run-down caravan park. He let a single tear fall as he pushed open the door with a shove.

His dad wasn't there.

It was rare but not something Iuku had to worry about.

Izuku felt he should get some sleep but he didn't want his dad to come back before he woke up, that would be bad. Izuku just decided to go for a walk, He needed to get away from this terrible area. Izuku placed his bag down in his room which only held a torn mattress and a thin curtain that shielded the little room from the rest of the caravan. Izuku decided he wanted to get out of this hell hole as soon as possible, then he would enjoy the scenery of the family homes an hour away from where Izuku lived.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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