Not long after, their car rolls up in front of Y/n and she gets in the passenger side. She takes in Hange's look. Their hair and clothes were more wrinkled than they were a few hours ago when Y/n had left them. An extra button on their shirt had been undone and while the collar hid most of it, on the crook of their neck Y/n could make out something that looked like... lipstick? Paying more attention to it, the stain resembled a kiss mark. She also took notice of how they looked somewhat more happy.

"You're in a good mood."

"Life is good. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Easy for you to say. You've got it all. You have every reason to."

"True. No bags?", Hange asks seeing that Y/n hadn't bought anything.

"Nothing really caught my eye", Y/n says shaking her head. She takes the card from her pocket and gives it back to Hange.

"I see. Do you have anywhere else to be, or do I drop you home now?" They take the card and put it away. "Or maybe you're not ready to go back yet because of what's happened with..."

"Victoria. And no, you can just drop me off. I think she should be at work by now." She quickly changes the subject not wanting to talk about that right now.

"By the way, you've got some...", Y/n taps the side of her neck to explain to Hange what she meant, "lipstick there..."

Seems like that was the other 'thing' they had to take care of. Their mood was boosted because they got lucky. It couldn't even be called luck. It was just Hange.

Y/n wouldn't question it. She didn't care after all. Both she and Hange agreed that they'd be able to handle their matters as long as the two were discreet about it.

"I did have other things beyond that too, just so you know."

"I don't need an explanation you know. You're free to do whatever you want."

"Oh, I know I am. Can I borrow your phone for a second? I need your bank information."

"What for?"

"Your payment for the month."

The month wasn't even halfway over yet but she does as Hange asks. They get the information then they do a few things on their phone and transfer money to Y/n's bank account. She swore her eyes popped out of her skull the way they would a cartoon character.

"Hange, I can't... That's too much. I'm not even doing that much for you to give me all of-"

"What did I tell you earlier?"

She thinks back. "Seems like you can't accept anything that's given to you... You're a good person, Y/n. You deserve to be spoiled once in a while too... You're making me feel bad about sharing", they had cracked a joke afterward.

She swallows back the pride she had. "Thank you, Hange."

"It's nothing." They turn back to the front and continue their driving. Meanwhile, you couldn't stop staring at the number in your bank account. It had been much more than you thought it would be.

The car goes silent for some time as Hange begins to drive. They were the one to break it. "Hey." They turn to the woman as they wait on a red light and only then did she finally look up from her phone. "How do you feel about traveling?"

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