"Promise." We sat there for a few more hours, Nico asleep, and me close to doing the same. 

"You're the love of my life." I muttered into their hair. I fell asleep.


It's been almost a week since we moved in. It's been going well and we love each other more than ever. We were in the kitchen, goofing around and not getting much cooking done. I was tickling them while they tried to run away from me. I wasn't planning on ever stopping if it meant I could hear that laugh all my life. "Stop! That's enough!" They giggled. I forced myself to stop. 

"Fine, but only if I get a kiss." They rolled their eyes but obliged. Someone knocked on the door. I huffed in annoyance but went to the door. 

"Hello?" I asked. Standing before me were my siblings Austin and Kayla. "What are you guys doing here?! How did you find me?!" 

"One of Aunt Artemis' hunters saw you and told the palace. We wanted to see you, so we offered to be the ones that told you. They're willing to compromise and let you live here for now. They want you to meet them in town at the temple of Apollo." I stared at them, frozen. 

"They...they know where I am?" I asked. They winced and nodded. "Okay...okay...they're willing to compromise...I'll meet them there in an hour..." I shut the door and made my way to Nico, who was still in the kitchen. 

"What's wrong?" They asked, immediately running to my side. 

"Nothing. I'm going to go into town for a while. I...want to buy something for you." I could buy them some flowers to make up for it...They looked skeptical and got that worried look in their eye that they always had when I left them alone. 

"...okay...When will you be back?" 

"I don't know, a few hours probably." They hesitated but nodded and kissed my cheek. 

"Bye, mio principe." 

"Bye, Neeks." I left the house, feeling guilty and went to the town. I didn't want to worry Nico. I would tell them when I had to. No reason for them to panic with me. I would fix this. I spent the hour long journey wondering if I should just tell them, but ultimately decided to let them live in peace for now. They really don't need to worry. 

I entered the temple of Apollo and saw my family and some guards. "William." My father greeted.

"Yes? What kind of compromise do you have?"

"What about you rule in the Summer and Spring and Nico can rule in the Winter and Fall?" 

"No. They don't want to rule, and neither do I, we're not going to do it alone!" I said, already annoyed. 

"You are the next in line wether you like it or not!" 

"Why can't literally any of your other children rule? You have 4 others! It's not just me!" 

"Because people won't be happy-" 

"No, we both know I wouldn't be a good king. You just don't want rumors. You're putting the family's reputation over my happiness and that's not alright. We're done here and don't come after me unless you have a better offer." I stormed out of the temple. 


They've been giving me offers almost everyday for the last month now. I've turned each and every one down. Nico still doesn't know. They don't have to. I'm going to fix it before it's a problem. I've been getting pretty stressed and agitated recently because of this, but I'm sure it will be all worth it. Right before I left for the meeting, Nico caught my wrist. Their mouth opened and closed a few times before they spoke. "Where are you going?" They asked quietly. 

"To town." I said. "I've told you before." My tone wasn't as friendly as I meant it to be. 

"I know, but...what for?" I rolled my eyes, my bad mood getting the best of me. 

"I don't have to tell you everything in my life just because you my soulmate, Nico." They backed away a little bit, letting go of my wrist. 

"I-I know, but I feel like I have a right to know s-since you're leaving me for hours almost everyday." They stuttered. "I miss you." My head was screaming at me to stop, but I was just so stressed and worried that I had to take it out on something. "You know I don't like being without you." 

"That's the problem, you can't be without me for even a few minutes! Maybe I just wanted time away from you! You know, I don't think I've had any time alone from you for more than 4 hours since we've met. Ever since I found you again it's been Nico, Nico, Nico. I wish you would run away again just like you did at the ball! Then I wouldn't have to constantly consider your feelings and comfort you whenever you feel bad about yourself. Because guess what? I'm tired. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of always being around you, of always having to put you first, of dealing with your constant insecurities and don't even get me started on the nightmares! I haven't had a full nights sleep in weeks thanks to your nightmares! You know what? I wish you never left that necklace. I wish I never went to find you again. I wish I never even hosted that ball! I wish I never even met you!" I screamed. They backed away even more, their eyes wide and teary, jaw dropping. 

"...wow...okay..." They walked up the stairs and into our bedroom. What are you doing?! Nico is the best thing thats ever happen to you! Go after them you idiot! My eyes widen in realization and I chased after them. 

"Wait, Nico! I didn't mean it! I promise! I'm just really stressed and I took it out on you..." They sat on the edge of our bed, avoiding my eyes. 

"You wouldn't have said it if you haven't at least thought all of it before." They said sadly. 

"Nico, I haven't-"

"Just...go...please. Do...whatever it was that you were going to do." Their voice cracked at the 'go'. Tears started streaming down their face. I stepped closer and they moved back. I couldn't lose my Angel because of a stupid mistake...but I had to respect their wishes. 

"Are...are you going to be here when I come back?" I asked, brokenly, starting to cry too. They hesitated. 

"...I...I don't know. Now please...just go." I nodded and waited a few seconds before leaving, the image of my Nico crying burned into my brain. 


I didn't pay attention throughout the meeting and my father ended up canceling it after seeing my state. I made Nico, My Nico, my sweet Angel, cry. I didn't mean anything I said. I was just saying things I knew would make them upset. I wasn't thinking properly. What if they break up with me? It would be reasonable. I'm so stupid. I deserve everything Nico will do. Problem is, if I know Nico, they'll be to nice to actually do anything. That'll hurt the most. Knowing that they're hurting but them continuing to pretend to love me. I opened the door with a creak. 

"Nico? I'm back. I'm really sorry." I called. No response. I looked in the kitchen, dining room, and living room until finally checking our bedroom. Empty, except for the note on their drawing desk. I hesitantly picked it up. 

Dear Will,

Please don't come after me. 

From, Nico 

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