Prolouge (Flashback)

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Stan threw the instrument to the floor, almost causing it to break, and looked at Kyle. His face read a stressful look, and his fists were clenched as he angrily held back tears.
"Stan!!-" Kyle dipped down to place the cracked violin in its box, and looked back up at Stan, coming closer to him.
"Kyle, I don't get it! How come you're so much better than me at this???" Stan shouted,  now crying loudly as Kyle came closer to him. Stan only weakly pushed him back, he had hatred in his voice. "You always win first place in things we both participate pate in, I only get a stupid dumb participation award!" Stan glared at Kyle, as if he was making out that it was Kyle's fault he didn't place high. "Stan, it's probably because I've been practicing for much longer than you, I'm more than happy to continue teaching you. I assume you just haven't found the instrument that you're best at." Kyle once again attempted to get closer to Stan, his only wish was to comfort him at that moment, as he knew how hard it was for him to adjust to things. "No, Kyle! I'm sick and tired of doing this if I'm not getting anywhere! Fuck you and your instruments. I'm going to get better than you in my own band one day! I swear it!!" And with that, Stan stormed out of the room before Kyle had any room to answer to his aggressiveness. He glanced around his room at least three times before he even considered reacting. At that moment, he had absolutely no words, just shock, everything seemed to freeze at that moment. The silence became loud. He looked at the broken violin within the safe enclosed box it had always been in, and he sobbed softly to himself.

And that marks the day Stan basically promised to Kyle that he would be better than him.

It's September, I calmly got out of bed, putting both of my soft hands towards my eyes to rub them and the lingering tiredness away. Today was the first day of school, again. For like the eighth time in a row. I took a glance at the bright red numbers on the clock next to my bed, "6;30AM", this left me enough time to get myself ready to meet with Marjorine and Wendy. Marjorine and Wendy were my best and kind of only friends, my main friend group completely drifted after the argument years ago. And one thing that I knew was safe to assume about Stan is that he never lets go of things like that. I reached around for my glasses and put them on, adjusting them to make sure they weren't on oddly. I then grabbed the handle of his closet, very cautiously and slowly standing up so I wouldn't get too dizzy, and searched for my outfit. Once I had completed putting on my clothes, and making sure everything was in order, I turned back to my bed and quickly made it before going on to do my hair. I didn't seem to have very much time left, so I just extensively brushed it through. My eyes landed on myself in the mirror, I made sure that I looked fine before grabbing my dirty beige messenger bag and setting off into the snowy lands of South Park. Each step into the snow made a soft crunch, it was rearing to the end of winter and the snow was slowly - but surely - melting. Today's snow was quite thin underneath my also thin black boots. Coming out of a swift daydream, my head popped up to look ahead of me. Wendy and Marjorine were not far ahead as they waited for me to cross and come over to them. Marjorine was wearing a short blue dress with thermal skin-colour tights and thin socks layered above them. Her hair was the same as usual, short fluffy and bright blonde. Wendy, on the other hand, wore a long skirt and a knitted sweater that didn't cover her until the end of her shoulders. Her hair was shoulder length, she told me that she was growing it out for a change. Once I actually caught up to the pair, they greeted me like they would any other day.
"Hey Kyle!" They both said, pretty much almost in perfect synchronisation. I waved back and smiled warmly as we now walked together. We pass the bus stop, where Stan and I used to go every day. I caught a short glimpse of Stan, Kenny and Cartman still together fucking around like they would in elementary. I suppose that they never really drifted after all. They seem happy without me anyway, I don't really mind. Although, I do feel a pang of guilt every time I cross paths with Stan. Why? Is it just because I'm not over it fully just yet?? Whatever it is, I clenched my fists and took a short breath, hoping in my mind the pain would stop soon.
"Are you okay, Ky?" Majorine caught me by surprise with that question, I brushed it off quickly and nodded with a semi-fake smile. The pain in my gut didn't seem to want to leave me alone today, I predicted it would be the worst day yet. Days like this always feel weird. Once the three of us arrived at school, we take a slow route and walk to the first class we had. I think it was History for me. I watch Wendy and Marjorine split up for their classes, saying their temporsry goodbyes to each other and me.

Something about the three of us is that we are in our own orchestra. We are called 'Singing Symphony' and we have our own socials and spotify and everything. I would say that we are pretty well-known, especially amongst classmates I have commonly. And Stan. Stan has his own little band too, it's named 'Crimson Dawn' their music is nice. He doesn't know, because my Spotify account doesn't have my information on it, but I'm their top listener. And I hope that's the same for the anonymous account at the top of our listeners. Is that a weird thing to say? It might be. But I'm totally here for myself, I have hope that one day Stan and I will come back to eachother.

I hope.

NOTE; This is the longest  chapter ive written before i hope you like it cause JESUS 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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