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Wednesday's POV:

I trudge through the woods carefully. I pay close attention to my surroundings, always turning at every sound that I don't make. As I hear a twig snap behind me, my instincts start telling me I'm in danger. I need to be ready for whatever's about to come.

My body turns around to the snap and I see no one. Must be a rabbit or something.

As I turn back around, I am swept from my ankles and I fall backward. I land on my back, knocking the wind out of me. My ankles are pulled close together.

I take a few minutes to catch my breath before I realize I'm being dragged across the ground. Whoever is dragging me has my wrists tightly around their hand.

I move my head upwards to see the mysterious person. "Xavier," I say, weakly.

He has a smile on his face, he must have a plan. "Hello, Wednesday." I wiggle around, trying to get out of his grasp, but that only makes him grip my wrists harder.

"What are you doing?" I ask, after giving up trying to escape.

"Let's see how you like it. Chained up to a wall, no food, no water, nothing. For a whole week!" He grunts as he drags me along.

"Fuck you." I get out. He just chuckles wryly.

I try to turn my head to look behind me. I see the building, just coming into the distance. I look down at my feet, a rope tied around my ankles, so I can't run. Damnit.

Suddenly, he drops my upper half onto the ground with a thud. Confused, my eyes follow him as he walks around to the front of me. What is he planning? Is he not going to chain me up?

"I just decided... I'm not gonna chain you up against a wall." He says like he read my mind. "I'm gonna kill you instead."

Xavier slams my arms onto the ground and puts pressure on them using his knees. He slowly draws a knife from his pocket and holds it, blade facing downwards to me.

No escape, I struggle. I twist my head back and forth, trying to wiggle out. This is the night I am going to die.

Xavier holds the knife with two hands above his head, aiming it right for my chest. I see the silver blade glisten in the light. I brace myself for impact.

I'm sorry, Enid.

A sharp roar echoes throughout the forest, causing us both to jerk our heads toward the direction of the noise.

I see a light, furry creature charge at us. It jumps at Xavier and they roll on the ground. Out of the grasp, I start to untie the rope. Once it falls to the grass, I stand up to look at the chaos behind me.

The light-furred creature steps backward away from Xavier. He lies on the ground, lifeless. Ripped up to shreds, unrecognizable.

I notice the pink and blue fur on its head and immediately know it's Enid. Her fur is dyed red from Xavier's blood. The wolf starts to shrink, she's returning to her human form.

She crouches on the ground, holding her knees close to her chest. Body exposed to the world. I forgot they transform back out of their clothes, I have a feeling she has been transformed for a while because her colorful clothes are nowhere in sight.

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