Downtown books 📚❤️

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"...Hunter..." A voice said. He felt himself being shaken, and the darkness subside.

He sat up with a yawn. Gus was standing over him, his hand on Hunter's back.

"Morning, Hunter. Camila told me to wake you up; we're going to a DOWNTOWN!" Gus shouted gleefully.

"I think it's just 'Downtown' Gus." Hunter chuckled. Gus shrugged.

"Whatever. Just get your butt up and changed." He said, flicking Hunter.

20 minutes later

Hunter stood at the door, waiting for everyone else. Well, everyone except Willow. She was standing right next to him, leaning on his shoulder.

"Are y'all ready to go?" Camila asked, walking past everyone to open the door.

"Yes, mom." Luz, Vee, and Hunter all said,

Hunter slapped his hand over his mouth, blushing from embarrassment.

They all stared at him. "It WAS AN ACCIDENT, oKay?!" He shouted.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to shout." They all looked over at Camila, who had her hand over her heart, and her other hand wiping tears from her eyes.

"S-sorry..." He said, looking down.

"No, está bien, Niño dulce." Camila said, turning towards the door to hide her face.

Hunter followed everyone out the door, then trailed after them slowly, to make sure Willow could properly hold on to him.

They all got in the car, Hunter and Willow sat in the back, while Gus, Luz, Vee, and Amity sat in the front seats.

(Dw Gus put the spell to hide their ears)

Hunter leaned his head against the window, occasionally glancing at Willow to make sure she was okay.

Soon, they got to their destination, and everyone got out of the car. Hunter carefully let Willow out of the vehicle, trying to not hurt her foot.

"Thanks, Hunter." She said, carefully stepping out.

"Of course, Willow."

Hunter paused, staring at Willow. She looked like she was struggling to walk with the group.

"W-would you like me to carry you?"

Willow just stared at him with an odd expression. "I don't mind." She said, a smile growing on her face.

He blushed as he couched slightly down enough for her to climb on his back, before lifting her up.

"Is...something wrong, captain?" He asked nervously. She looked slightly nervous, but even then, 'slightly' was enough to concern Hunter. She was never nervous.

Willow looked down at Hunter. "Oh—I'm fine." She insisted. Hunter noticed that she was looking away and covering her face. (her face rn >///<)

"Are you sure?"


"If you insist." He sighed.

The group was pretty far away at this point and somehow none of them had noticed their absence. "Hold on, Willow." Hunter grinned.

He started running towards the group. Willow let out a gasp of surprise and wrapped her arms around his neck.

They soon got to the group, both giggling like maniacs. Everyone turned to stare at them.

"Sooo, where do you kids wanna go?"

Hunter thought for a moment. "Bookstore!" He looked up in surprise when he heard Willow shout the same thing.

"Fine by me." Vee shrugged. Everyone else agreed on the bookstore.

Hunter immediately rushed inside, Willow still in his back. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked, looking up at Willow then over to Luz.

"Ooooo!" Luz gasped. "I know the greatest book series of all time. You will absolutely love it!"

She started running to a specific area. Hunter followed her, feeling his muscles burning slightly because of how long he had been carrying Willow.

She led him to a bunch of books with cats on them. The other side of the bookshelf had a bunch of dragon books.

"These are both great series." Luz grinned.

"Which one should we read?" Hunter asked Willow. She thought for a moment. "I'm personally more intrigued by the cat books."

"Warrior cats." Luz corrected.

"I'm here for either one." Hunter said, grabbing the 'Warrior cats' book.

30 minutes later. "Luz!" Hunter whisper-shouted.

"Yeah?" She turned and walked towards them.

"We finished the book." Willow said, holding the book. "And the second one."

"And the third—" Hunter added.

"Wha—how!? We've been here like, 20 minutes!"

"I dunno." Hunter shrugged.

"Alright kids, time to go!" Camila called.

Hunter let out a sigh of sadness. "Nooooo..." He picked up Willow.

"At least we read most of them." He said patting his back.

"Actually...there's over, I think, 80 books."

Hunter and Willow's jaws dropped. ""

"Goodbye bookstore." Gus sighed, brushing his hand dramatically over one of the shelves. "Thank you for sharing your secrets with me, I hope to see you again soon."

Everyone walked to the car, and they drove home.

How did you guys like this chapter? Any suggestions for next one? Any suggestions in general? ANYTHING!

chapter was suggested by XXXJaceXXX6

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