Chapter 37: The Negative Ten

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"Ready?" Ciel asked.

"I-I don't if can-"

"Trust me, Gwen." She held her hand and gave it a gentle squish. "I'll give you the power, you direct the spell."

Soon after, Gwen felt a warm mana pouring into her from Ciel's hand. After Ciel giving Gwen confident and power, the girl closed her eyes and channeled her mana into her free hand. She chanted a spell and lifted her hand to the air, and multiple blue mana tendrils sprouted from her hand and covered the guards' heads. The spell removed the hypnosis and put them to sleep.

The blue mana vanished in thin air, and Gwen weakened due to not used to with Ciel's mana. She lost her balance, and Ciel immediately held her.

"D-did it do it..?" She panted in exhaustion.

"You're doing great." Ciel smiled. "Next time, let's try without my help."

Gwen nodded in agreement before two more guards approaching. One of them is carrying a heavier weapons such as a shoulder cannon. They aimed their weapons at the girls, but Xlr8 interfered by bashing them to the wall unconscious.

"You girls, okay?" Xlr8 asked.

"We're fine." Ciel replied. "Thanks, Ben."

After Gwen recovered her strength, the team entered the vault. Much to their surprise, all the golds are still there, untouched.

"Uh, guys? I found something." Y/n called.

The team gathered to Y/n's position and found one the cage that holding the golds is opened. The valuables are scattered around with a melted hole on the ground. They entered the hole to find a deserted basement with an antique equipment, and Xlr8 reverted to Ben.

"A blast in the past." Max commented. "It's an old Plumber's base."

"Like the one at Mt. Rushmore?" Ben asked.

"Not exactly." Max strolled around the base, reminiscing the past. "At the height of the Plumbers, some of these satellite complexes were established around the country in hidden location like this one. Once we brought down Vilgax the first time, these annexes weren't needed anymore so we eventually shut them all down."

"But what did the Circus Freaks want here, then?" Gwen asked.

"I think I know." Y/n chimed. "Take a look at this."

The team gathered around Y/n. He pointed at a shelf where there's a dust print on it.

Max got a closer look at the shape before his eyes widened in realization

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Max got a closer look at the shape before his eyes widened in realization. "The key... of course!"

"Grandpa?" Ben called in worry.

"Many years ago, the Plumbers helped capture an alien convict. As a show of gratitude, his race gave us a sample of what they called Sub-energy, a subatomic power source so powerful that it made our own nuclear plants look like windup toys by comparison. Despite its enormous potential for good, the Sub-energy was too unstable and dangerous to use. The Plumbers decided it should be put away for safekeeping within a super secure force field inside the Mt. Rushmore complex." Max narrated.

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