Chapter 11 First Month

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First month has passed.
Food: worrisome. Hunts have been improving and some larger creatures have even been shot down. Some monsters of damnation have also been caught unaware. Foraging has been bad for food. For at least a week I've been doing the math and having to decide between dietary changes or a reduction in daily caloric intake. All of our starting greens are gone and what remains is from the supply dumps, the rest are hard biscuits.
Time: late. We have fallen behind by at least 4 days and I expect that number to rise to 5 or 6 by the time we reach the GSR. This could be good if the temperatures holds up until we are well past the GSR because then the increased wind could warn us about the necessity of winter clothing, which we weren't provided. Also reaching a certain date will mean that most creatures will have gone underground for their winter rest. Good because less dangers. Bad because less food.
Cargo: As long as we arrive within 2+ weeks of the expected date then we should be fine. Most leftover leather has gone towards reinforcing the roofs of the wagons so the wind and rain hasn't done any damage.
Physical health: Alright. We have one more row of dangerous quadrants and then I can decrease the workload so that there aren't many leg injuries.
Mental health: not my specialty and the other doctors aren't therapists, but it's going rather well. The amount of threats is normal so far, noone has had any mental breaks. The mood is ever-shifting. When it lowers then the threats rise and when it rises then they don't. Our provisions wagon hasn't been touched in a few days. We've used it twice so far. Since I will give a large portion to everyone when we reach the GSR then we should still have around 55% of everything remaining by the time we cross.
Relations with caravaneers: good. I have a fairly good reputation with most people. Everyone who's 'I just want this to be over' is... nice towards me. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]. There is still some anger and resentment, only some of it is towards my actions as a leader, though I have successfully turned some perspectives without any violence. The worst people are the most demoted members of my 2 gangs. With morale slowly dropping, along with its daily flickering, they've gotten more and more agitated. Those who are half convinced are willing to talk to me and I can turn their minds, I'm fairly certain I have befriended at least 2 people who are willing to rat out anyone if something goes down, but the people of renown are unwilling to talk to me and so are their friends. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted], but both fear me.
Weather report: similar to most of the ones we've delivered along with everyone else. The MZ has received unnatural patterns of rain and wind in many places and the pattern has repeated. I've avoided every discussion about rain, [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted], since nearly every prediction I've made has been false. Migration patterns have remained. There's nothing unusual so far. Some groups have been forced to change paths, but all of those appear to be thanks to the weather. 
Leadership dilemma: Cl is a disappointment to be honest. I've given him at least 2 additional second chances, but he is not built for this. I've increased the duration of my unannounced scouting ventures and in nearly every single time the voices get louder and louder with dissent. He can manage relations with some of the unimportant folk pretty alright, but that's all he can do. I've already made up my mind and will be requesting that I be given a report of his work quality when he reaches the border since at the moment he has failed to meet my expectations of at least half of a caravan leaders duties. Unfortunately there are no good replacements. To add onto this problem, most of CL's authority comes through me. I'm still keeping a hands off approach on these people, but I see no other good alternative apart from me using my emergency powers.
Troop quality: not experienced caravaneers and even worse soldiers. Few have important work experiences or educations, actually most are uneducated or still in high school, or just beginning university, but some are better than others. Most of those are genetic it would seem, but that doesn't change much for me. At least 1 shield we have is an older man who has a bit combat experience and is a pretty good squad leader, but nothing more than that. I still lack enough combat to be certain about who should lead these people and what strategy to use so for now everything remains as it was chosen before we met. I honestly doubt I will train them in some formation tactics, but if we get stopped for some reason then it is a good way to spend the time, and I get a chance to relieve some of my anger on those who screw up really badly.
Personal: don't know. I haven't felt much rage or disappointment recently so I'm alright. I'm tired since I stay up longer than them to see if any try to squeeze some talk in, but I manage. I'm worried about the food, but most of my fears about these men are short. My main concerns are my lack of knowledge about what B1 has been doing. Though when the moment of sadness passes I use it as a reminder as to why I have to keep on going.

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