.𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐.

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it had been about three hours since they had started a hanging out. eventually soobin came over and took yeonjun to his room. (naughty naughty. . .) leaving both taehyun and beomgyu in the living room with barely anything to do. "do you want some beer? yeonjun has some." taehyun looked at beomgyu who was on his phone. "im not like you or yeonjun. get wasted without me you'll live." "god damn just asking i dont care if you're like us or not. fuckin' emo ass bitch." taehyun got up and grabbed a beer from yeonjuns fridge and plopped himself back on the couch. "you probably cut yourself as well." he then opened the beer.

beomgyu saw the man infront of him chug the drink he had in his hand then crush the can. "what the fuck it your problem? you like me emo boy?" beomgyu stood up in complete disgust. "daddy wouldnt be proud to have a fag son you know~" he watched as beomgyu got more upset by the second. "im not gay. hey dont you crush on males?" beomgyu snapped back and watched as his face went from a smug smile to a look beomgyu couldnt even read.

"right and what type of boy has pink hair if hes not gay?"

"at least i dont slit my wrist because daddy gave me a beating."

"where are your parents? wheres daddy hm? where is he to save you when your crying because you got your ass beat? arent you the one that ran away from home? living off of drug money. right. wheres mommy to comfort you when daddy scolded you?" he paused and watched as taehyun slowly teared up by his words. "you probably sell your body for that extra money so someones a whore. no virginity boy. not cool."

"i- i do not.." "what a pussy for stuttering? whats that little hoe? wanna be on my dick too~?"

"stop... please.." "begging now? awh you really do want that dick. ill give you a-." "I SAID STOP." and at that taehyun got up and tackled beomgyu to the floor holding him down. "YOU WANTED TO SAY I SLIT MY WRIST SO WHERES YOUR FUCKING MOM TO KISS YOURS AND TELL YOU IT'LL ALL GET BETTER HUN.'" tears from taehyuns face fell onto beomgyus. beomgyu felt bad for some reason. beomgyu pushed him off and got up. he watched as taehyun curled up into a ball and cried.

"ill.. be back..." beomgyu said before leaving to go into the kitchen. he grabbed a clean rag and wet it with cold water. the went back into the living room. he squat down beside the boy. he was crying in front of him. beomgyu pulled him up off the floor and onto the couch. beomgyu wiped the tears that were streaming off his face.

"dont fight someone you know has more power than you. you'll just get yourself hurt." beomgyu said before putting the cold, wet rag on taehyun face and dabbed it so he could cool down.

taehyun didnt say anything. he just kept his gazed down low instead of replying or looking at beomgyu.


"we're back~!" soobin plopped himself onto the couch.

"its about damn time. i don't want to hear you and yeonjun moaning to your breaking point." beomgyu rolled his eyes. "seriously how do people not know you two are dating and fucking everyday."

"hey what soobin wants he gets, and he often wants my dick. how can i say no to an angel~?"

"an angel wouldn't do drugs and have sex every day." beomgyu looked at his phone and saw the news. indeed that same girl form earlier hung herself after that rejection.

"i smell jealously~." yeonjun said before sitting down and pulling soobin on his lap. "i would rather kiss his ass-..." beomgyu pointed to taehyun. "then do what you guys do on a daily basis! seriously your so fucking loud i can hear the skin hitting skin form a mile away. how can he even walk?!"

"normally i cant. and kiss his ass or ill hire someone to make you go through what i do on a daily basis." soobin smiled at beomgyu and at taehyun. "if you do thats con-..." "he wont actually do it. get a grip. do you even know us?" taehyun rolled his eyes.

"yeah i do know a bit about you guys. i know your a softie to the topic that mommy cant help you cause you ran away. i know that you're influenced by yeonjun. i know you're gay. seriously crying over something you could have controlled isn't worth crying about." beomgyu laughed.

"beom.. you can't control if you like the same gender or not.." yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows.

"im not talking about that. he could have had an upper hand on me if he wasnt stupid and didnt run away from a family that probably gave up in him after they tried their all to help him."

"you don't know shit about my parents."

"i mean- you've never talked about your parents so we can't really defend you.." soobin said has he ran his fingers through yeonjuns hair that was messy and knotted from the event that happened before.

"...im leaving" taehyun said before getting up and leaving.

"hes so fucking ugly for what? i feel like his parents actually loved him but he-..."

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