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☆ Episode 63 ☆

"But is he the type that never wakes up once he falls asleep?"

An hour is running out, but there is no sign of waking up.

"Kyarreung, it seemed like he was sensitive to straightening his hair. How can you sleep without tossing once?"

As I looked down at his face for a while, a playful play came to my mind.


"A pretty thing."

I poked my cheek with my index finger, far from being ridiculous.

"This suits you too."

even very well.

The cheeks were also soft, and it felt good to the touch.

'... ... Something interesting.'

I did a double pretty thing with both index fingers, and made a V with my index finger and thumb and put it on my chin.



This time, I made a circle and made a boiled egg on my cheek.

"Puff... ... !"


The face of a sleeping child is truly angelic.

It was cute, but somehow heartbreaking.

I'm a complete babe.

"I'm not waking up. I don't know who will carry it."

I felt sorry to leave it like this, but now the time is really tight.

"As expected, a child shouldn't have a shade like this. From now on, I will live like this even when I am awake."

I stroke it one last time and open the iron window and come out.


Do you feel a tingling sensation in the back of your head?

no way?

I quickly looked back and the child was still lying down.

with eyes closed.

'Is it because of my mood?'

I tilted my head and shrugged my shoulders at a sudden thought.

'Could it be a ghost in the prison?!'

Ugh, let's not think, let's not think!

I'm not afraid of either one!

I ran and ran out of prison.

* * *

After a full moon, spring came into full bloom.

And news that made me happy came one after another.

First of all, Count Kandor took over the position of head of the Senate.

As he confidently declared, it was an overwhelming victory.

The black gold business was also cruising.

An overseas paper company was also created, and a top group was also launched.

It is also equipped with facilities to awaken sleeping mana stones and make black gold.

The building was not rebuilt from scratch, but an abandoned factory was used, so it was possible to proceed quickly.

In addition, the hiring of manpower to work in the production facility was completed.

'In other words, I just need to start the production line in earnest now.'

Ropan Runs with Baby CashDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora