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MAELEA LOOKED UP AT QUEEN ALICENT WHO STOOD IN FRONT OF the iron throne, Maelea's expression was devoid of any emotion, mostly because she didn't care for what the Queen was saying to her.

"Are you aware of the crimes you have committed?!" Alicent questioned sharply, horror in her eyes as the scene of Vaemond's neck being snapped flashed through her mind.

Maelea crossed her arms across her chest, "A crime?" She scoffed in disbelief, "My acts were justified, do you not recall your husband, the king, stating that anyone who's tongue dare speak such calumnies regarding Rhaenyra's children will have it removed?" She questioned equally as sharply as Alicent had done to her.

Alicent threw her hands up in helplessness, "Yes! They should have their tongue removed! There was no mention of death as punishment." She stated.

Maelea shrugged, "Jacaerys and Lucerys are both heirs. The realm needs to know what will happen should the word bastard ever cross their pathetic minds." She said, narrowing her eyes upon Alicent in a glare.

"Is there no reasoning with you Princess?! Must you be so hard headed?!" Alicent exclaimed.

"I'm simply serving the realm, and the future Queen." Maelea answered.

Alicent pressed the palm of her hand against her forehead with an exhausted sigh. "Rhaenyra will be Queen one day, and I'd expect she'd have you at her side, but that still isn't for some time. I ask you, can we put aside whatever feud is between us, and can you serve your present Queen?" She asked.

Maelea glared at the Queen, "I don't serve those that dare harm my family." She scowled.

"I didn't harm Lucerys." Alicent said, knowing exactly what Maelea was referring to.

"You tried, and I payed for it." Maelea said, she had to hold her composure for fear of intentionally harming the Queen this time.

"Because you harmed the Queen." Alicent shot back, her hands tucked behind her back as she looked down upon the Princess, debating whether she should have the guards remove her. She decided against it, she didn't want further problems with Maelea, especially when Rhaenyra eventually came into power.

"I didn't mean to, you know that." Maelea scowled.

"So you regret it?" Alicent questioned.

Maelea shook her head, a smirk curling on her lips, "I'd rot in that cell the rest of my life if it meant keeping Rhaenyra and her children safe from you Hightower cunts."

Alicent looked disappointed, she had hoped to have gained an ally out of this meeting, but it seemed Maelea wouldn't budge. She suspected as much. "We're done here, you may leave Princess." She dismissed.

Maelea gave a sarcastic bow, "Your grace." She said before turning and strutting out of the throne room.

As she turned the corner to make her way back through the halls a hand caught her own, pulling her back gently. As Maelea turned to face the culprit, the beauty of violet eyes met her own. Rhaenyra.

"I had hoped to run into you." Rhaenyra said rather sheepishly, Maelea's presence made her slightly nervous, it had been so long since they'd both seen one another.

Maelea smiled and lifted Rhaenyras hand to her lips, placing a gentle kiss on the future Queens pale skin. "Princess." She greeted.

Rhaenyra's cheeks went bright red, though Maelea didn't notice, the halls were too dark for her to see, much to Rhaenyra's fortune. "I uhm... I wanted to thank you... for what you did for my sons, and for me." She said.

𝑩𝑼𝑹𝑵 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝒀𝑶𝑼 | Maelea Velaryon x Rhaenyra TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now