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THE WIND WAS COLD LIKE THE TOUCH OF ICE, THE ATMOSPHERE silent and gloomy, surprising for a day that had many perks to it. Vaemond Velaryon's constant calumnies were finally put to rest, Lucerys inheritance would forever be safe in his name and yet the day remained to hold some sort of sorrow. Perhaps it was Maelea's heart? Losing her brother while she was locked away in a cell, she didn't even get to say goodbye to him, or perhaps it was because of Rhaenyra? The woman had married and given Daemon two sons, perhaps it was because she wished it was her who could have married the Realms Delight.

Sometimes Maelea wished it was her who had died, not her sister, not her brother. They had such bright futures, they were going to achieve great things. They had families, children, lovers, goals, people that loved and cared for them. People that mourned them, Maelea didn't have that, she didn't have children, she didn't have a marriage, she didn't have goals, it would have been better for everyone, if it was her who'd died. Or at least that's what she believed in her heart, and in her head.

The past couldn't be changed, and dwelling on it wasn't going to do anyone any favours, it wasn't going to bring back her siblings and so she'd continue moving forward, for their sake and for her own, even though the pain seemed almost too much to carry sometimes.

Maelea had to push aside those thoughts as she made her down to the stables to go in search of her horse. Thanks to the filthy, itchy cloak she'd swiped on her way out of the castle she'd managed to keep herself unnoticed from the small folk.

The clicking of hooves and nickering of horses could be heard from just around the corner and so Maelea picked up her pace. She turned the corner to be greeted by four tall well built horses, all of them saddled and ready, carrying the Targaryen sigil on each side of the saddle.

Maelea glanced around for any sight of a stable boy, but there was no one. Not wanting to waste this opportunity Maelea hasted over to a horse and pulled herself into the saddle of the largest one; a tall, strong black horse with a long flowing mane and tail of the same colour.

The Velaryon Princess squeezed the reins before kicking the horse, sending it into a sudden and quick gallop. Many small folk had to dive out of the horses path to avoid getting knocked into, much to their detest as they waved their fists at Maelea.

Maelea hardly paid any attention to them, her mind was set on one thing; finding her dragon. And the first place she'd look would be the Dragonmont, where she'd first found him.

—IT TOOK THE ENTIRETY OF THE DAY, BUT FINALLY MAELEA arrived at Dragonstone, the tall grand castle was being circled by four different dragons. One yellow, one red, one green and one white. She knew those dragons, the mounts of Rhaenyra, Daemon, Lucerys and Jacaerys. Unfortunately the dragons didn't know her quite as well and she imagined they'd likely attack if she strayed to close to the castle.

With this in mind, Maelea turned her stallion down to the bank to make way onto the beach. She'd take the long way around the island to avoid agitating the dragons, she didn't exactly want to be burnt to a crisp on her first day of freedom.

The sand sunk with each step the horses heavy hooves took, the waves crashed against the sand and the salty sea air whipped through Maelea's hair as she made way across the long beach.

Finally after some more riding she finally stopped at the entrance to Vermithors pervious lair. Or maybe it was still his lair, she didn't know if he'd even returned to it, but she hoped he indeed had and that he'd welcome her with the same love he use to six years ago. The two had first bonded when Maelea was fourteen and they'd been inseparable ever since, but with Maelea being gone for so many years she wondered if their bond still held strong.

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