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—SIX YEARS MAELEA HAD BEEN LOCKED UP IN A CELL TO SERVE her punishment of harming the Queen, six years and the only visitors she'd ever received were her mother Rhaenys and her two nieces Baela and Rhaena. No one else was allowed to visit her on Queen Alicent's decree, and though Maelea didn't care too much she wished to see Rhaenyra at least, she wondered if the Princess would visit her if Alicent allowed it, though she supposed it didn't matter now, today was the day she'd finally be released.

Over the years Maelea had grown skinny and weak, she doubted her arms would still be able to wield a sword in such a condition. Soon enough the sound of footsteps came clicking down the corridor, sending an echo bouncing off the cold stone walls.

Maelea leaned against the wall of her cell, her knees pulled upwards slightly and her arms folded over her chest.

A moment later two figures appeared in front of her cell door, one in metallic armour holding a key, the other in a long red dragon scaled dress; her mother. Maelea slowly shifted her dull, weakened eyes over to look toward her mother who was waiting impatiently for Ser Willem Lannister to unlock the door. As soon as the cell door clicked open Rhaenys rushed inside and embraced her youngest daughter for the first time in six years.

"My sweet girl.." Rhaenys sobbed, her voice muffled from Maelea's shoulder.

The feeling of warm arms wrapped around her again suddenly felt unnatural and strange, taking the Princess by surprise. It took Maelea a second before she eventually hugged her mother back, though it was a rather slow, reluctant embrace.

"I have.. I have missed you mother.." Maelea spoke, her voice weak and slightly hoarse.

Rhaenys then pulled away from her daughter with a tear filled smile. "My dear girl I have missed you too." She said as she put a hand on her daughters ice cold cheek, flinching in surprise at how cold her daughter was.

Maelea noticed the concern on her mothers face and she chuckled weakly before pushing her mothers hand away from her cheek. "I'm fine mother."
She assured.

Rhaenys shook her head, "You most certainly are not, we need to get you clean and warmed at once." She said as she put one arm around her daughters back to support her while the other sat on her shoulder. "Now come, it's time you got out of this place." She said as she forced Maela to stand up and walk.

Maelea's legs were weak, struggling to hold up her own weight, and her feet ached from suddenly walking more than a few steps. Maelea's legs and feet had grown accustomed to the cell, they'd gotten use to only going a minimal amount of steps in a day, if not any at all, so for them to suddenly be getting used again was painful.

Ser Willem came to Maelea's other side to help support her as she limped out of the cellar. "One step at a time Princess." He said as he hooked his arm with hers.

Ser Willem was slightly younger than Maelea and had been assigned as her guard 6 years ago to watch over and feed her while she was prisoner. The two had become friendly with one another through the years, thinking of another as good and trusted friends.

It took some time but eventually Rhaenys and Willem had managed to get Maelea out of the freezing cold cellar and into an empty chamber with a fire already lit and prepared for her. Maelea sighed in relief as Willem helped her lower herself on the floor in front of the toasty warm fire, the ice cold touch from her skin melting away almost immediately.

Willem then straightened himself back up and gave Rhaenys a bow. "I'll leave you both too it. Princess Rhaenys, Princess Maelea." He said in goodbye before turning and disappearing out of the chamber doors.

Rhaenys grabbed a warm blanket off of the empty bed and pulled it over her daughters frail shoulders, wrapping it around her to keep her warm. "My daughter.. my only daughter, I'm so sorry I never did more to help you." Rhaenys said through tears.

𝑩𝑼𝑹𝑵 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝒀𝑶𝑼 | Maelea Velaryon x Rhaenyra TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now