Ana puts a hand out and several weapons flew out from the portals she summoned that envelops the sky

Kiri responded with several flashes of radiant light beams sprouting out the ground colliding with the weapons creating explosions in the air
Back at Hyperion

The Crew just looked at the sky light up with Himeko shaking while holding onto the tablet

Einstein : "...Incredible"

Himeko : "...I...Wow"

Welt : "...We might...have an actual chance"

Tesla : "What is this power!?"

Theresa : "..."
With the Squad

Sirin was just looking at the sky lighting up from the direction of the fight with awe wondering if she could be on that level without her Herrscher core

Kiana meanwhile just looked interested and wanted to now surpass her big brother figure Kiri and prove to him She is gonna be a great Valkyrie

Bella meanwhile just looked at it seriously while gripping her Katana

Bella : "Kiri-sama...I promise...I'll create a technique that will make your jaw drop"

Mei : "...Amazing...Sensei is...truly incredible"

Bronya : "...Da amazed"

Seele : "Wow"

Seele says like a child seeing something very interesting and amazing

Seele? : "This is... frightening to think that such people exists"
Somewhere far away from the ongoing battle

Two Valkyries are stationed to observe and provide video had a maid like attire while the other had a white armor with a spear as her weapon

Rita : "...Durandal-sama...this battle"

Durandal doesn't answer but just looks at the ensuing battler between two godlike beings in the distance with wonder and awe
In Schicksal office

A blonde man just stood shaking holding his tablet while looking at the video feed

Otto : "...How could this be...How come I've never heard of these two...until now"
Back with Kiri and Ana

Kiri just looks upwards while continuing the assault he then sends a ice spear towards Ana at insane speed

Ana saw that and puts her hand up summoning a dark blade and swinging it to parry and send the attack bouncing off

Kiri : "Hmmm"

Kiri grinned while Ana just looked she was having fun as her portals produced more and more and sending weapons continuously

The male then responds by closing his eyes and opening them again...His right eye remained the same but his left eye now has a crystal pupil with a blue hue...and from his shoulder a little rabbit sat

Kiri : "Ready...Zadkiel?"

The Rabbit nods before opening it's mouth and suddenly from behind the portals several ice shards began sprouting out and sending themselves flying and spinning to catch Ana from the back

Ana smiled before another set of golden portals opened from the backside and sent out more and more weapons to counter the attack

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