Herrscher Of The Wind

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Hotel Room
10:08 AM EST

Himeko:"Alright girls! I just received a message from HQ! We are going back to Hyperion!"

Kiri:"What time?"

Himeko:"I'm glad you asked! We'll be moving back in 7 PM"

Sirin:"Finishing Touches?"


Kiana:"Awwww~ but i like it here! So peaceful"

Mei:"I agree but we are valkyries and we need to complete some missions Kiana"



Kiri looked at the Ana who layed in the floor cross legged while thinking about something

Ana:"Shouldn't we tell Fu Hua about this?"

Kiri:"Oh right..."

Kiri then opened his phone and contacted Fu Hua about Hyperion and its state of being before closing his phone

Kiri:"Right... Done"

3:45 PM EST

Kiri and Ana are seen in a cafe together... They waited for Himeko's call because they are currently in Schicksal HQ waiting for the green light

Kiri:"So... What do you need?"

Ana:"Oh nothing much~ just have a nice peaceful time~"

Kiri raised an eyebrow to that before sipping his drink

Ana:"You don't want information about my mission?"


Ana:"Mission in London"


Ana blinked at that and looked at him with confusion and shock

Kiri:"It's not that i don't want to...its because its not the time for it"


Himeko:"Alright anything wrong?"

Worker:"Not yet Captain! We are still doing some configuration"

Himeko:"Alright thanks"

Himeko then walked towards the other sections and began confirming that everything was working properly
and then after that Himeko went to the lounge area to the Kitchen area

Kiana:"Here Sis"

Kiana handed Sirin some ingredients with Mei supervising them and eyeing there every move

Theresa was reading Manga while Bella and Bronya played games together in the couch

Himeko:"Awww~ they are all getting along"
Ana:"So that's what you think huh?"


Ana then stretched herself and arms before looking at Kiri

Kiri:"Ana... I have no reason to tell you this... But"


Kiri:"If something bad does happen to me... Will you protect Himeko and the girls in my steed?"

Ana:"...Why? Will something happen?"

Kiri:"Ana... Please answer me... Truthfully"

Ana thought about it for a moment as a sweat fell on her face

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