Revised Chapter One

Start from the beginning

"Could go hiking or catch a movie. Or go swimming or something," Liam offered, his voice trailing off as he listed them. He became awkwardly silent.

"Swimming sounds nice," Rift piped, "I haven't done that in ages! Could hike out to a spot and swim in the ocean!"

You nodded to yourself; it was a hot, sunny day, and you couldn't even remember the last time you had gone to an actual beach. But then your stomach rumbled, "Could we get food first?"

"Wouldn't it make more sense to get it after?" Liam asked, to which you reluctantly agreed.

"'Kay, then it's settled; we'll go swimming and then go out to eat!" Rift sang, her voice prickling your ears.

You said your goodbyes before ending the call and rising to your feet to give a final goodbye to your Foxtrot. You patted the end of his snout affectionately, the raptor offering you a rumbling purr-like sound.

"See ya later, Foxy," you gave him a soft smile before leaving his enclosure, making sure to lock his door with your key. Then you began the pain-stakingly long journey from the tucked-away building to the main park. You wished you could drive.

By the time you had changed into swimming attire and met with Rift and Liam, the sun was high in the midday sky, beating down on your shoulders and face. The careless small talk that passed between the three of you slowly turned toward Foxtrot and the other raptors the further away from the crowded Main Street you got.

The trail you followed was overgrown and abandoned, leading to a secluded beach Liam had found with his younger sister previously. Unfortunately, Lizzy was unable to join you after being sent to Camp Cretaceous, of which you and Rift helped Liam see her off.

"Do you think Foxtrot will ever see the real world?" Rift's voice was a soft whisper, nearly carried away by the breeze.

You could see the way Liam tensed, as if suddenly uncomfortable with such a question as they both turned their attention toward you. You lifted your gaze toward the sunny sky with a half-hearted shrug.

You hated how confined and isolated your velociraptor was, but Hoskins was unable to create more raptors or expand his paddock since his experiment was technically discontinued. At this point, Hoskins was simply using you and Foxy as his own private experiment.

You knew how he felt about these creatures; only wanting to sell them off for war. But you never took it seriously; Hoskins was a stupid man. The chances of him achieving his "dreams" were slim. Yet, the idea still plagued your mind; Foxtrot being forced into a war, used as nothing but a killing machine. A weapon.

"I dunno," you finally said. "I would love for him to see the world some day, but it doesn't really seem probable right now."

Liam's hand grazed yours, a gentle smile on his movie-star face, "I'll buy an island all for him."

You turned your head to hide the flustered smile. You had never been completely sure how you felt about Liam; he had always been a brotherly figure to you, but he was also extremely attractive to you. And not to mention how sweet and gentle he could be. But you also never really clicked with him; he was quiet, closed-off. It was hard to bond one-on-one with him.

Insanity | a Jurassic World Fanfic & Zach Mitchell X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now