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{ Following Mia}

"It's morning already? Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I stared down at the loud alarm clock sitting at my bedside table. Just then it dawned on me that I had not slept a wink at all on a school night.

Double shit.

In my defense, StrayKids, my favorite Kpop boy band of all time held a live online concert.

So I Practically had to be there.

Was it worth staying up for? ...Absolutely!

The songs, the stage effects, the dances, the everything! It was so amazing and I was reminded once again why I'm in love with these eight boys.

Speaking of the boys, AKA. The members.

Not to sound dramatic or anything but I would legit die for them.

They are just so fine!!!!! Especially my bias: Felix 

Felix is like the most perfectest perfect person in the universe!!

No words in the English dictionary can truly capture my love for this 23 year old man that doesn't know I exist.
I would do anything for him.

Literally anything.

If he asked me to burn down an orphanage. I would do it.

If he asked me to rob the White House. I would do it.

If he asked me to hold 20 victims hostage, murder them and then turn the gun on myself. I would do i-

"Girl, you are insane".

Those words interrupted me from my mono

I turned around to where the voice was coming from and saw Saanvi leaning on my doorway with her phone out in front of her pointing it at me.

"Saanvi, I know you're recording me" I said in a somewhat whiny tone as I picked up my pillow to cover my face to obscure the camera's view of me. "Stop~" .

"Pfft, no way! Is it that you've finally gone insane?" She said letting out a small chuckle as she turned her phone around to show me what was on her screen "What are you even saying? "

There It was. A recording of me freely expressing my undying love for my future husband Felix while kicking my feet, and rolling around my bed like a mad man. I didn't even realize I was saying all that out loud.

Okay fine, I'll admit, actually seeing myself on screen made me realize how a tad bit insane I sounded- just a bit.

" I am so definitely sending this to the geography class group chat" Saanvi taunted as she waved her phone back and forth with a wide grin on her face.

I cringed at just the thought of how embarrassing it would be if my stupid classmates saw the video. My reputation as one if the few sane, reasonable people there would be over.

"You wouldn't dare!" I said narrowing my eyes to show how serious I am.

"Oh, I would" She replied still with the same smirk on her face.

An intense stare off inside between us. Saan, with a malicious smirk on her face, threatened to click the SnapChat app on her home screen to send the video.


A loud feminine voice called from downstairs.

I instantly recognized it as my mom because, well she is the only other person that should be in the house.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot why I was even here." Saanvi said as she finally turned off her phone and tried to put it in the tiny pockets at the side of her blue denim jeans. "Anyways, get your lazy bum bum ready or else I'll tell your mom and she'll bring out the chancla".

With that, Saanvi left my room to give me some privacy to get my self together.

Ugh. I was so focused on my Felix I completely forgot about the hell hole that is school.

I don't want to go. but not like I have much of a choice since the government is basically forcing us.

I'd rather be in jail than school. Oh, wait, what's the difference?

But at last, I brushed my teeth, changed and packed my bag because as much as I hate school, I'm not trying to get my ass whooped.

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【Thx for reading】

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