Its funny how lovestruck you are

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Davey slowly clicked the lock to his front door open, rushing past his parents down the hall towards his room. He slammed the door shut, flopping into his bed, a beaming grin spread across his face.

He exhaled, pulling his shirt up to his face to smell it again. It smelled just like Jack to a tea. Most people wouldn't find comfort in the scent of backstreets of new york and used paint, but to Davey it sent a flow of warmth throughout his entire body. He felt blush rise to the apples of his cheeks, smiling even wider as he leaned back in his bed.

"What are you doing, David?" Sarah exasperated, raising an eyebrow at him as she sat down at her bed, angled across from his.

Davey jumped, perking up to meet his sisters gaze, "Nothing!" he insisted, "Didn't know you were in here."

"Its my room too, you're the one who was out all night," Sarah counters, crossing her arms, though she was smiling softly. "How's Jack?" she asks knowingly.

The blush on Davey's face darkened, highlighting his face a light pink shade. "Hes good," he answers.

"Good after cuddling with you?"

His eyes widened, "How did you know that?!" he exclaims in response, adjusting his shirt placement.

Sarah sighed once again, "You were smelling your shirt, thats not a normal thing to do after going out with your friends David."

Davey laughed lightly, "I don't harass you after your dates with Katherine but when I go out with my friends at Jacobi's and my boyfriend happens to snuggle up to me its a problem," he huffs.

Sarah plopped herself up from her own bed and walked over to her brother, sliding next to him instead. "Never said it was a problem, I'm happy you're happy. It's  just funny how lovestruck you are." She placed a hand gently atop his shoulder, "He really got you out of your shell."

Davey glanced down, shuffling his feet on the ground. "He has that effect on people," he expressed. "He lead the entire strike, I didn't even want to strike at first! But he motivated me, he motivated all of us," he rambles on. "Even when he wasn't around, I was still thinking of him. All the time. He's amazing and hes an artist!"

"And somehow he choose me. Jack could have anyone he wanted and he choose me," Davey sighs,gazing into the distance.
"I have no idea why," he admits after a while, finally looking back up to Sarah again.

Sarah frowned, "Don't sell yourself short, you're great. Plus, I'm pretty sure Katherine likes me much more than Jack, so you've got nothing to worry about."

Meanwhile, Jack was still hanging at Jacobi's with the rest of the newsies, sketchbook in hand as he furiously drew. His tounge was sticking out of his mouth and his eyebrows were furrowed, glaring down at the page. He was really focused on getting this drawing perfect.

"Whatcha drawin?" Crutchie smiled, peering over Jack's shoulder to which Jack flung his book shut, shaking his head.

"Its not for ya, crutchie. Its for someone else," he answers simply, drumming his fingers along the front cover of the book. Jack's smile faded the moment he saw crutchie's frown.

"Your nose has been in that drawin ever since Davey left, " Crutchie pouted.

Race cackled, striding over towards Jack. "It's cause he's absolutely in love with Dave," he grins, batting his eyelashes. "Isn't that right, Jackie?" he burst into laughter once again.

"Would you shut your mouth for once?!" Jack snapped, gently flicking Race's forehead. "Can't a guy sketch in peace?"

Race leaned against the table Jack sat at, smirking ear to ear. "Then why can't we see your drawing? I'll leave yous alone if it has absolutely nothin to do with Davey."

Jack paused, opening his mouth to speak before he just groaned, flipping back to the page he was working on.

"I knew it!" Race exclaimed, watching Jack move his pencil from side to side on the paper. "Theres no way that isn't Davey, he's got his bangs perfectly."

Jack just grumbled, shading in the edges of Davey's hair. Of course he was drawing Davey, how could he not? He was so gorgeous and he had this bright smile that lit up the entire room, sending motivation flowimg through Jack's veins. Plus, Jack couldn't really afford many physical gifts for Davey and being the romantic he was, there was no way in hell he was gonna be a boyfriend who doesn't give gifts.

"So what if I'm in love," he says eventually, glancing up at Race. "That make you jealous, Race?"

Race shook his head,"Nah, it's just funny how lovestruck you are." He plopped himself down at the table with Jack and Crutchie, right on Crutchie's left.

"If anyone wasn't lovestruck with Davey I'd think they're insane," Jack replies, rolling his eyes at Race's snickers. "He's incredible. He's insanely smart but also so kind hearted," he comments. "All of 'em Jacobs have made my life so much better, but especially Davey. He makes my life worth living. Hell, I didn't even have to be there for the strike to continue because he's just so passionate and he doesn't give himself enough credit. He's always going on about me but I couldn't have done anything without him. Hes like...perfect."

Race blinked, the expression spread across his face softened, "Damn, you really do love him. I was just joking," he mumbles.

They both loved each other more than they could possibly describe, and everyone around them could see it.

Word Count: 939

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