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In a world full of magic where magical beings, mythical creatures, magic folks—humans who possesses magic power and ability, and other inexplainable wonders exist. The world is divided into different realms: the dragon realm, which the dragons live; the human realm where magic and non-magic folks exist; underworld realm that is inhabitted by demons; celestial spirit realm; and other realms that was still unknown to the world.

The dragons were known as the strongest of all known creatures, the dragons were known for their strength, massive size, enormous power that is much higher than any magical creatures. Dragons comes in various forms, size, and varies in power. Sometimes their habitat affects on their power and ability as well. Dragons in the drahon realm were mostly hostile towards human, but some don't hold hostility towards them. Dragons also exist in the human realm, those were dragons who approves of the term "co-existence" with the humans and other races. However, there are also dragons in the human world who causes havoc, rampage, and desturction on the human territory thinking that they were far more superior than the other races.

The underworld realm where demons live consists of wicked, sly demons. Those demons lure their prey and feed on them. They were far more dangerous than any wild beasts in the forest or in the depths of the ocean. They can stuck curse on their prey, play with them, or kill them without further notice.

Celestial spirit realm holds the spirits of the stars and constellations. They were aid of the light. Most of them work for their human mage holder. They vow to help and protect their owner with their all. However, their are also spirits lurking in the dark, spirits who were used for darkness, and something that is yet to be known in the world.

And lastly, the humans. Humans were unpredictable, fierce, ambitious, does not settle for what they have. Humans who possesses powers yearns to become stronger, they were fierce like fire, deep as of the ocean, they could be gentle as the wind, or be treacherous and sly like a predator to it's prey. Humans were a diverse culture just like any other races but more complicated than the rest. They could wield powers far stronger than beasts, or demons perhaps, and some are even strong enough to slay dragons.

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