It was none other than Selene-sama who made it so.

 Not only did she wipe my hair that had been soaked in the soup without worrying about her dress getting dirty, she also asked the Duke to give me a break.

 That figure was, to me, an unmistakable goddess.

 After that, for some reason, when I ended up sleeping in the same bed with her in her room, I was so nervous that I couldn't even look at her face.

 However, the gentle voice, the soothing scent that reminded me of my mother, and the warm touch of my palm lured me into a world of dreams.

 It was the first time in my life that I could sleep with such a peaceful feeling since I came to the Duke's house.

 The next day, Selene-sama and I, having a leisurely breakfast, had only free time.

 Since it was my first holiday, I had no idea what to do.

 Until now, I didn't even have time to think about it, and I was really desperate.

 Selene-sama suggested various things to me.

 Catch ball? There were many games that I didn't know about, but Selene said that I want you to choose whatever you like without hesitation.

 That's why I chose needles.

 Needles were my only special skill.

 I started with my mother's training, and before I knew it, making dolls for my sister became my hobby.

 And if it were a needle, I thought I could do something for this goddess-like sister-in-law.

 I made a doll that imitated Selene-sama.

 Her appearance is distinctive. Not only is she originally beautiful like a doll, but her peony hair is also very eye-catching.

 That's how the Selene-sama doll was completed.

 It was good while I was making it, but the moment it was completed, I was overwhelmed with anxiety.

 My sister was always happy with the dolls I made.

 But what about Selene?

 Unlike the poor Viscount family, her room is overflowing with things.

 In this room surrounded by high-quality furnishings, my doll made of scraps and cotton was too shabby.

 After a moment of hesitation, Selene-sama took it from my hand.

 And with that flower-like smile, he said, "Thank you."

 Seeing her smile fills my heart with an indescribable sense of euphoria.

 Oh, she accepts anything.

 In the midst of such a happy feeling, I inadvertently asked for something that could be called "another hobby."

 I want to wear Selene's dress.

 Without trying to calm down, I am aware that it was a rather perverted remark.

 However, when I was told that I wanted to try it, those were the words that obediently came out of my mouth.

 Ever since I was in the Viscount household, I've often worn women's dresses.

 No, it's more correct to say "I was made to wear it" at first.

 My sickly sister didn't have many opportunities to dress herself.

 That's why, at my sister's request, I wore her dress instead.

 At first, I was so embarrassed.

 There was also a great deal of resistance to dressing like a girl.

 But as I continued, I found myself actively dressing as a woman.

 Like needles, what was supposed to have been started for his sister had become a hobby of his own.

 As expected, the next moment I thought it was a slip of the tongue, Selene-sama was already leaning forward on my transvestite dress.

 She opened the closet by herself and found a dress that looked good on me.

 It was the happiest time of my life. Until the time when the Duke sees the situation.

 I thought my head would fly off.

 It would be better if it was just a scolding.

 An act clearly unsuitable for a duke's heir.

 I thought about the possibility of being sent back to my parents' house, or even being kicked out of the house.

 While my mind went blank, it was Selene-sama who saved me again.

 Not only was she struck on the cheek for me, she appealed to the enraged Duke to acknowledge my tastes.

 Even though it was a request from his own daughter, the Duke is the one who separates public and private matters.

 It wasn't easy, but even so, in the end, the Duke ended up ignoring my hobby.

 At that moment, she laughed again.

 He gave me that sweet smile.

 Looking at that warm smile, I thought.

 I want to be with this person for as long as possible.

 In the not-too-distant future, she will leave this house to become a saint or a member of the royal family.

 But at least until then...

"Selene-sama... I..."

 While I'm with her, I want to become a respectable man who can protect her.

 For the first time in my life, a strong and pure feeling had sprouted in my chest.

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