Chapter 2: "i was enchanted to meet you"

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I lock eyes with him, as I run away from the partition, hoping he thinks that I work in the background. I was pulled out of my thoughts, as I heard the music play, watching all different models walk onto the runway, walking to the music I had composed for the show to make it more original, showcasing all of my works. I watched as photographers and celebrities take photos of each model as they went past, some looking serious and some vibing with the music and smiling. This went on for about an hour as I wanted to showcase everything I had created from my dresses, to the seasonal wear.

I decided to wear on final piece myself, I was inspired by modern and Georgian-British fashion, especially with the dress types. I walk down the runway, along with my assistant, who said "please welcome our residential designer and the woman who created these gorgeous outfits, your host y/n Leighton". I looked around at everyone standing up and cheering, to which I did a little twirl and accidentally locked eyes again with him, while he smiled and clapped for me.

Everyone took the opportunity for photos and to talk with others, while I slipped backstage to breathe, until I felt someone pull me close to them and say "you were great out there darling". I calmed my heart rate and I turned around and smiled widely, expecting to see the mysterious multilingual man from earlier, but my smile drops at the sight of my ex, who then grabs my hair and says "you think you can run away from me now bitch, your mine and I'm taking you back home to your dad". My ex spared no time and grabs my hair tightly, he goes to drag me but I scream in pain. To my surprise, I see a glimpse of the man from earlier, swinging towards my ex-boyfriend, which made him let go of me.

I ran as fast as I could, not looking back, even if I saw a figure of a guy following me, I ran out to my car and got in, I see my ex run towards it as I drove off. I sped as fast as I could, seeing a car following me behind at the same speed as I rush to try and get away to my temporary accommodation house in the countryside, hoping they don't follow me. I sped to what I thought was a back-lane but in fact a dead end, leading to the entrance of a farm instead, I sighed in defeat and looked in my glovebox, hoping heavily to find something useful. I picked up the only thing i could see as a weapon, a hand sanitiser bottle, I whipped it out and held it towards the person in the car, looking away to lessen the pain of seeing my ex, standing in front of me loud and proud of causing my downfall.

I feel no attack or sudden movements and I look up to see the guy from this morning, he stood there looking concerned as I was shaking and still holding this tiny bottle of hand sanitiser in his direction. I then put it down and I say "I-I'm so sorry, I thought he followed me here and that was the only thing I could find to protect myself", he wasted no second longer and pulled me into his arms for a hug, I hesitated and then pulled away in shame.

I didn't know what to do, so I walked back to my car and got in to diffuse the awkwardness of the hug, he followed me and sat down, closing the door behind him. The silence was loud, being interrupted by the constant rhythm of our breathing or my own heartbeat ringing in my ear, until he spoke up in English with a Romanian accent. "I guess i owe you my name and my protection".

Thanks for those reading this book, I re-wrote it, less cringe lol
Part 3 due soon ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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