"Of course," said Nurse Joy, handing Ash a key, "your room is number 28,"

"Thanks!" said Ash.

"So, what do you think we should get?" asked Pikachu once we were in our room.

"The Sinnoh region is known for its Poffins and Pokeblock," said Latios.

"What are those?" I asked.

"Well," replied Latios, "Poffins are a really tasty pastry, and different species of Pokemon like different types of Poffins. Pokeblock is similar to Poffins except it's more like candy than a pastry,"

"That sound good," said Pikachu, "I say we get some!"

"Yeah," said Ash, "but what about me?"

Latios chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm sure those pastry shops sell human food too,"

"How do you know so much about the Sinnoh region?" asked Ash, "Have you been here before?"

"No, but Latias, Bianca, and I used to watch Sinnoh Now! On Lorenzo's television," replied Latios.

"Yeah," said Latias, "I've always wanted to come here but we can't leave Altomare very much,"

"Should we go grab something to eat then?" asked Ash.

"Yeah!" said Pikachu, "But let someone else navigate,"

About half an hour later, we were all sitting in our room, chowing down on all sorts of food that we had got at a local bakery.

"Mmm, this stuff is good," I said as I ate another Poffin.

"Yeah!" said Latias, "Isn't it great?"

"This is even tastier than I expected," said Latios.

"Totally!" said Pikachu, "We should eat this all the time!"

"This is almost as good as Brock's cooking!" said Ash.

"Enjoying the Sinnoh region?" We all looked up. Floating above us were three Pokemon. They all had the same body shape and two long tails. The first was pink and white, the second was blue and white and the third was yellow and white.

"Who are you?" asked Ash.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves," said the yellow one, "I'm Uxie,"

"I'm Azelf," said the blue one.

"And I'm Mesprit," said the pink one.

"Oh," said Uxie, "Arceus said to give you a little gift Ash," her tails glowed and she touched Ash's head with them.

"Huh?" asked Ash, "What happened?"

"Guess," giggled Azelf.

"I think I know," said Latios.

"Me too," said Latias.

I thought about it for a second. "Oh, I get it," I said purposely not in telepathy.

"I get it," said Pikachu, "but I don't think me saying it will help you,"

Ash sat there for a moment. "Huh? I still don't get it,"

"Think about it," said Mesprit, "how are we talking?"

"You're just talking," said Ash, "hold on, you're not using telepathy," Mesprit nodded. "that means... can I understand Pokemon now?!"

"Yep!" said Azelf, "And now that that's settled, we can get on to your mission,"

"Basically," said Uxie, "for your mission you just have to defeat Team Galactic,"

"How do we find them?" asked Ash.

"Don't worry," said Mesprit, "they will show themselves very soon. However, you must be ready for them, their Pokemon are strong but they have one weakness,"

"What would that be?" asked Latios.

"That," said Azelf, "you must discover yourself,"

"Why can't you just tell us?" asked Pikachu.

"Because," replied Uxie, "if we told you, it would no longer be a weakness,"

"Can we defeat them without knowing?" I asked.

"At the moment yes," said Mesprit, "but the sooner you figure it out the better,"

"Unfortunately, we must leave now," said Azelf.

"Good luck," said Uxie, "remember, never underestimate Team Galactic. They may not appear very strong, but once you get inside their headquarters it will be a whole different story. I suggest that you and your Pikachu master that Z-move Ash,"

"But Arceus said to only use it in emergencies," said Ash.

"Don't use it," said Mesprit, "just find the right tempo for it, you'll know when you do,"

With that, all three of them vanished in a flash of light.

So, what do you think of the new chapter?

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