Chapter 20: Just like the lot of them

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It's been a couple of hours since the battle and you're locked up in the Infirmary at Hogwarts. Nobody is allowed near you until... you do not know what. In front of the open door, you see Sirius pacing back and forth, looking at you every now and then while an Order of the Phoenix member stands guard.

You passed out before you and Sirius were out of the Floo network. When you woke up, a vase with pretty pink tulips was on the bedside table. Without needing to read the card you knew who it is from.

Suddenly, Sirius and the Order member get called somewhere, presumably to talk to Dumbledore about Voldemort and whatnot.

You turn to your side and stare at the partition with a sigh. A whisper of your name makes you sit back up. Theo looks around to make sure nobody's there before hurrying towards you. You climb out of the bed and limp towards him, hugging him shakingly.

The dark-haired boy wraps both his arms around you, cradling you to his body. "Thank Merlin you're alright. You are alright, right? I was so scared." He takes your face in both of his hands and he checks every nook and cranny.

You feel the blood rush towards your face and you turn away shyly, burrowing your face in his hands. "I'm fine." Your words come out muffled before you pull your face away, "a bit battered and bruised, but fine."

He sighs once again and pulls you back in his embrace, with no intention of letting you go. But when there is a cough, both of you turn your heads and see Sirius standing at the entrance of the infirmary.

"You shouldn't be out of bed." Sirius narrows his eyes at Theodore, estimating if he's a threat or not.

Reluctantly, you let go of Theo and get back into the bed. He goes to sit next to you, tucking you in while Sirius takes place on the chair next to the bed.

"How's Harry? And the others?", you ask, not knowing what to talk about.

Sirius nods, scratching his moustache. "They're okay. The matron has patched them up and they're resting in their dorms. Harry's... with Dumbledore."

You hum, nodding.

"Listen", begins Sirius, his eyes flickering towards Theo, "I don't know if it is smart to discuss this with... your friend being here."

Theodore straightens his back and glares at Sirius. "Don't worry about me."

The elder man nods, leaning back in the chair. "Right. After Bellatrix... struck you down, and when You Know Who came—"

"They were both there?" Theo turns towards you with big eyes, his hand grabbing yours. "Did they hurt you?"

"She did, but I attacked her first. The Dark Lord called me young and weak. Before he could do anything Dumbledore came." You do not dare to rise your gaze.

"You attacked first? Since when do you do that?!" Theo cocks his head to the side, an angry undertone laced in his words.

You throw your hands up in the air. "She was going to kill Sirius! I couldn't have stood there and done nothing! I'm already in big trouble back at home so who cares?"

He jumps up from the bed, his top lip curled up. "Who cares? Who cares? I care! If you go back to that manor you'll be tortured or killed. And you know they're not above that."

Rolling your eyes, you fold your arms over each other. "I can take it. She crucio'd me back at the Ministry. It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last time I reckon."

"You were crucio'd again?!", the two men say at the same time, shock on their faces.

You slump down and pull the covers over your head. You don't understand the big deal. Knowing who your mother and father are and their temper means that this won't be the last time that spell will be used around you.

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