Chapter 3: Well mannered friends

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The welcome feast is as usual, delicious. The company also helps. This year, Hogwarts has the honour of hosting the Triwizard Tournament. After a speech about it, Dumbledore welcomes the other schools.

First up is Beauxbatons, the magic school located in France. They only send their girls, which are absolutely beautiful, with their blue silk uniforms and butterflies.

Next up is Durmstrang. My oh my. What do they feed those boys up in the north? Everybody obviously starts to point and whisper as Victor Krum. Draco bounces excitedly up and down the bench.

"I would assume you are far too distracted by Krum to even notice any of the French girls, even the Vila one", you tease Draco, which earns you a glare in return.

The French students take place on the Ravenclaw table and the Durmstrang boys make their way over to your table. You try not to stare at them, so you turn towards the conversation Draco is having with his friends.

Suddenly, someone clears their throat and you all turn around. A tall guy with dark green eyes and blond hair stands in front of his group of four friends, all equally tall. "Can we sit here?", he points towards the empty space around you.

You nod, dazzled by his sharp jawline and accent. The guys send you smiles before sitting down and conversing among themselves in their native language.

"Who's distracted now?" Draco gives you a shit-eating grin. You give him a push, which makes him fly off the bench.

The Durmstrang guys snicker at your cousin as he jumps back up, whipping his hair back in the process. His friends also laugh but shut up as he gives them a glare.

"Talk shit, eat shit, buddy", you muse, batting your eyelashes at him innocently.

This makes the blond guy bellow a hearty laugh. "You are a very funny girl. My name is Gjol Lundström." He reaches out a big hand for you to shake.

"And she's not interested." Draco narrows his eyes at Gjol while he pushes the blond's hand away.

But, before he has a chance, you slap Draco's hand away. "I'm sorry. My cousin-", you glare at him, "thinks he has to be a big brother. (Y/n) Black, nice to meet you." You shake Gjol's hand. It's warm, firm, and rough with calluses. And on top of that, it engulfs yours completely.

You quickly let go of his hand to not make it awkward. And also because the food has arrived. Golden plates upon golden plates appear with the most delicious meats, vegetables, and freshly baked bread.

You don't particularly fancy the scrutinizing stare Draco gives you, so you turn towards the Durmstrang boys. "I saw your ship arrive, it's truly magnificent. I do hope the trip to Hogwarts wasn't too long."

Gjol nods as he swallows a big bite of pork. "Sailing the seas has always been a passion of mine, so I did not mind it. But Sigge." He elbows the boy next to him, getting a side-eye in return. Another one sniggers as he motions to me the gesture of puking.

You giggle, turning to the boy- Sigge, and give him a reassuring smile. "Oh, I don't blame you. My stomach isn't strong enough either to handle the waves." That's a lie. You never had set foot on a boat. But you can imagine Sigge needs a bit of solace.

This makes Sigge open up, going on about how he begged his teachers if he could take a Portkey or even fly. But their Headmaster made this big deal about arriving in style.

"So, are you going to join the tournament?", asks Gjol.

You shake your head. "Nah, I'm not old enough to participate. And besides that, I don't think my family would approve of me putting myself in danger for 'eternal glory'. And what about you guys?"

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