The breakdown

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                       (Eleanor's Pov)

As I watched Bill take a spi of his coffee,I could he was waiting for me to say something. "Who kissed the most girls?" I asked,he looked at me confused,but then got it. "you can't just say murder or kill in a coffee shop."  I thought "A guy called nick, and Dave." He said not meeting my eyes, "Dave!" that shocked me. "dave." I said outloud he met my eyes "yea,bet you did think that name would come out of my mouth." Bill mumbled "how many have you kissed?" I asked I wanted to get to that question before anything else. He looked up at me,he didn't want to say it. "you don't want to know." He exclaimed "no you said you would answered any questions I have." I explained "fine but you can't see me any different." Bill said "I already do Bill,my heart shatttered whne you said what you said." I said painfully "i,Eleanor I can't hurt you." Bill cried,but he wiped them away,this this right here made me hurt more than him telling me how many girls were killed because of dating him,or the others,then my thoughts when to Jade. "oh no Jade,she heard the phone call that they have murder girls."  I worried about Jade. "you already hurt me." I said coldly,he stared at me pain and hurtness so much. "Eleanor." He whisperd "Bill answer the question." I said not trying to show any emotions. "10." He said hidng his emotions. "10!" I mumbled to myself shocked. I didn't know what to do,"I couldn't believe this sweet,caring,beautiful guy could kill 10 girls.". I looked up at Bill. "no,how. How the fuck do you do that!" I shouted at him,he looked at me shocked and with tears. Everyone looked at me,I got uo grabbed my keys and purse and walked out lefting Bill behind,I walked past the window and saw him he stared at me he was crying. But I kept walking. I started sobbing,I couldn't believe I fell inlove with a murdered,I wanted to throw up. I made i'm way back to the apartment,I looked around no one was there. I closed the door,and I slid down the door and sobbed. I breakdown,i had a mental breakdown, I haven't had one in years. I want to my room,and took off my makeup and changed into comfortable clothes. I looked for my cigs but I couldn't find them,so I guess I didn't have any left. "Fuck!" I yelled out,and I picked up a vase and threw it,it shattering into pieces. I went back to my room and I saw Bill's clothes I grabbed them and threw them out the window,I knocked everything on the floor. I walked out and grabbed the broom and cleaned the glass up. I went to Ruby's room,I didn't know if she smoked but I think she did she always smelt like cigs. She didn't but she was older from me. I ran to my room and called Ruby. she picked up "Eleanor,what's wrong?" Ruby asked "hey Ruby can you get me some cigs and some alcohol?"?" I asked biting my nails,i'm doing a lot of old habits. "No I would but i'm back at work,ask Mac." Ruby said not judging me. "ok thanks have a great day." I said pretending to be happy. She hung up,so I called Mac. "hey Mac,where you at?" I asked "oh i'm at the bar with friends." Mac said while I heard music. "oh,I was just going to ask if you could get me some packs of cigs and some bottles of alcohol?" I asked putting my hand behind my hand,I usually like being in control but right now I don't want to be in control. "what kind?" She asked but slurred. "any." I said "ok." then she hung up.

I was sitting on the floor and I heard the door open,took her 30 minutes. I got up and saw Macky,she brought like 4 bottles and a bunch of packs of cigs. "hey. Eleanor!" she shouted "hey girl."I said grabbing the bag,and I put in on the table,I grabbed her arm and lead her to the third room. I put her on the bed and let her sleep. I looked at her wondering how she got the stuff,but I took the bag and ran to my room. I opened the bottle not even looking at it. i took a big drink and it was sour,and it was funny going down my throat. I was going to light a cig but then saw some at the bottom. Oh their joints,I took one and lit it,putting it in my mouth and the puff in. I blew out and hit it a couple times. I felt fuzzy but good,every problem fading the pain of Bill problems. Everything faded,I felt amazing.

I finished a pack of cig,one bottle,and one joint. I felt like I was floating and all the pain faded. I got up,and stumbled out of my room,I saw Mac and Ruby. Ru was getting Mac a glass of water and some painkillers. "Oh hey." Ruby said then stopped looking at me. "yes." my words slurred and giggled,I fell to the ground and started laughing "El!" Ruby yelled,Mac kinda laughed. "Sorry,i'm so drunk and high right now." I laughed,Ruby was shocked. "did the meeting with Bill go that bad!" she mumbled "yes,yes it did." I stopped laughing,I got back up and grabbed my shoes and walked out. Hearing Ruby's and Mac's screams,telling me to get back.  I left the building and stumbled,I kept bumping into people. Then I turned into a alleyway and saw some drug dealers doing a deal. "Hey." I slurred "hm?" They questioned "I want some drugs?" I asked
They all looked at each other. One nodded,and turned to me. "What do you want?" He asked "you got Coke?" I asked,he laughed, "of course we do." He said "then I want that,and do you have any pills to make pain go away." I asked "yes we do." he said walking towards me taking little baggies of pills and Coke. I took out the money that I stole from Ruby,and handed it to him. He gave me and realized i gave him more,and two more of each out and handed it to me,looking over his shoulder. I guess he's an honest man. I stumbled off,and went to the shop and grabbed some water. I went back to alley and popped 3 pills.

                             (Bill's Pov)

I was shocked she just leff,but i'm not because I would be mad too. I got up and got in my car,driving back to the hotel. I unlocked the door and sat the band memebers,they were all waiting for me. When they saw me they,they all got up and hugged me. Then Tom got up and smacked the back of my head. "what the hell!" He yelled, I hugged him. " I had coffee with Eleanor." I said walking over to the bed and took my jacket off and put it on a chair and sat down. They all looked at me wanting more. "I told her stuff and she walked out." I said quietly "ok." Tom said,he wasn't mad anymore he was worried. "yea,i'm worried though what if she has a breakdown,and do something she might regret." I said staring up at Tom. "then let's go to her apartment." Tom said "well she lives with Ruby." I said "ok,and lets go. I actually like this one." Tom said opening the door. "no,can I sleep. I slept in my car." I said tired. He nodded,then my phone rang,and Tom picked it up. "hello?" Tom asked "I need to talk to Bill." A voice said,Tom handed me the phone. "i think it's Eleanor's friend Ruby." He said, took the phone. "hello." I said getting up. "what fuck did you tell Eleanor!" Ruby yelled at me "I told her what she asked." I said "well then why did Eleanor ask me to get her a bunch of packs of cigs and some alcohol?" Ruby asked "She never drinks." Ruby said. "fuck." I said putting my hand on my face. "Where is she?" I asked "at the apartmeant ,but don't go there." Ruby demanded "fine but keep me updated." I said then she hung up. I looked at everyone. "she doing exactly what I thought she would do." I said with a worried tone "shit." Tom said. "but we're no going over there,i'm respecting her wishs." I said tired, I got in bed and felling evryone's eyes on me but then I heard the door open and close,so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

About an 30 minutes later,Tom woke me up. "hey,Bill." Tom said shaking me. I woke up and sat up. "what?" I groaned "Dave's want's you up." Tom said, I got up and took a shower. I got out drying my hair with a towel. Then I heard my phone,it was Ruby again. I picked it,up and heard Ruby freaking out. "Bill!" she sobbed "Ruby!" I yelled "what's wrong." I said worried "it's Eleanor she walked out of her room and she was drunk,and high. And we walked into her room it's a mess." Ruby sobbed,my heart dropped it's worse then I thought. "Ruby.." I said "fuck!" I yelled "i'm sorry." I said "yea i'm scared for what she will do." Ruby panicked "Yea I will go out looking for her,and I will get the others on it too." I said trying to reassured her, she calmed down. "Tell me if you see her,and give me updates please. I can't lose her she means everything to me." Ruby said then hung up. She means everything to me too,and I hurt her and i'm the reason she's like this,if she's hurt I will lose my mind.

I was dressed and everyone was sitting,Tom saw I was worried. "Bill,what's wrong." Tom got up quickly "Eleanor is out drunk and high on the streets. And i'm going to go find her,I already hurt her enough." I said holding back tears, "well i'm going too." Tom said getting up,and so did Gustav and Georg. "we're going too,we actually like this one." Gustav said smiling putting his hand on my shoulder. "Ok then let's go." i said smiling,then we got in the cars and speed of looking for the girl I fell inlove with.

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