But anything for love right?

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                       (Eleanor's Pov)

I couldn't believe he left me,I pushed throught the crowd and I started to run. Then I ran into a girl,I got up,brush myself off. "Omg i'm so sor.." I started then stopped,she looked so famlliar. Her eyes wided, "Omg El." The girl said,only one person called me that. "Macky!" I shouted,then people looked at me,and I stood there looking around then looked down. I hugged her,oh how it feels to hug someone that I know. "Omg Eleanor you look so good,and why are there fangirls following you,you haven't left you family yet?" She asked looking at my bags "No I left a year and half ago,and it's because of my boyfriend." I said that still shocked me,her eyes wided again. "omg a boyfriend!" She squealed,holding my arm. "you want to go get coffee?" She asked,I smiled and nodded.

We went to a coffee shop close by and I sat down while she got us coffee. Then I got a call,I looked at my phone,Bill. I picked up. "Eleanor i'm sorry,it's important. But I can pick you up and you can come with me." Bill said "uh I can't,i'm having coffee with an old friend." I said looking over to Macky. "oh." He said disappointed. "i'm sorry,why don't you ditch and come and meet Mac." I exclaimed "uh...I don't think I can." Bill explained "Fine be a little bitch to Dave and Tom." I said angrily slamming my phone shut,then Mac walked over,tears in my eyes I wiped them away. "hey,what's wrong." Mac asked worried and rubbing my arm. "Nothing just my boyfriend ditching me at a mall and then telling me to ditch you." I kinda cried. "Ugh that bitch." Mac scoffed,taking a sip from her coffee, and so did I,she made it prefect she always knew how to make it.

We caught up and told stories. "wait,what happened,why did you just disappered?" I questioned putting my coffee down and looking at her. "oh yea,well after your birthday your father came to my house and paid my mother to leave,and never come back,or call you again. He said you were a bad person for me to be around,and he didn't want me to be a bad apple,and that was the time my mother and father were you know,and she needed the money so she took it and moved me to Germany,and I have been here since then." Mac told me,my mouthed dropped. "omg,that sound exactly like my father." I scoffed "girl where do you live?" Mac questioned "Oh do you remember Ruby?" I asked "omg yes,her!" She quietly yelled "I live with her, and I live in a apartment,you want to see it?' I asked "only if i'm welcome too." Mac exclaimed "Macky,of course your always welcome." I said shocking myself that I had to say that. I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of there. I pulled her to the apartment.

We were at the front door, "omg girl this place is so amazing." Mac exclaimed,I unlocked the door and opened the door, I saw Ruby sitting on the couch,she turned to her eyes when wided at seeing Macky. "omg Macky is that you?" She asked squealed. "yes it is." Mac said tears in her eyes "I'm so happy to see you both I missed you guys." Ruby said, I closed the door,and dragged Mac to the couch. We all caught up. "so,Eleanor. You and Bill huh?" Ruby said gigging, then macky looked at me I blushed. "he surely made you moaned pretty loud,I didn't expected that from him." Ruby gigging like a school girl,Macky turned to me and nugged me. "Wait Bill's your boyfriend but like do we know him." Mac asked, "You know Tokio Hotel?" Ruby asked "I have heard a song or two..Wait that Bill!" Mac exclaimed "yes that one." I said laughing. We all laughed and then we heard pounding at the door. Then I looked at phone,a bunch of missed calls from Bill. "Eleanor!" Bill shouted, Mac rolled her eyes,and Ruby seem confused "wait what happened?" Ruby asked "oh Bill ditched me at the mall then he wanted me to ditch Mac." I scoffed, then so did Ruby.

"Hey Ruby?" He asked,she looked at me. "do what you think you have to." I whispered. "Oh,hey Bill. What you doing back I thought you and El were out." Ruby called out. "Yea we were but then I had to go important call." Bill said "Oh,what's up?" Ruby asked "uh is Eleanor here or have you seen her. And she said she was meeting up with somr guy mac or was it Macky." Bill said "Oh,uh no she hasn't been around. And Mac,wait Mac,Macky! Omg Macky is a girl not a guy,she is our childhood friend I haven't heard that name in awhile" Ruby laughed,I heard Bill sigh, "thanks Ruby I will just call her." Bill said, quieting ran to Ruby's room and went outside. Then my phone ringed. I picked up. "Eleanor you finally picked up, where are you?" Bill asked "i'm with Mac." I said quietly "Oh well I have five minutes,I could met Mac." Bill said "uh no,unless you want to tell me why the call was so important?" I questioned "Eleanor,I can't tell you that,you could get hurt." Bill said sadly "Hurt!" I yelled "what do you mean hurt and how bad!" I shouted "You could get killed.." He explained,my heart dropped,the guy I fell inlove with and is in a relationship it,the relation could kill. "what killed." I said quietly "Eleanor i'm sorry I didn't tell." he said then I cut him off "No,you should of told me that before I fell inlove with you, you fucking asshole!" I yelled at him,he didn't talk just let me go on. "The fuck is wrong with you,are you planning on me killing me if I do somehting you don't like!" I yelled again. "Eleanor,i'm sorry." He said I could tell he waas holding back tears "No, this is over I don't want to die for dating you. I love you but I want to live." I said coldly "Eleanor please let's talk face to face." Bill whispered "oh no,I think your five minutes are up." I said. " how many girls have you or the others killed?" I asked,that question I could tell broke him. He didn't talk for a couple seconds. "You want names or a number?" Bill asked sadly "number,I would have a breakdown if I heard names. But I will asked for that too." I said my heart already breaking,he paused. "15 to 20,maybe more becasue Tom is a wildcard." Bill said,my heart dropped more. "15 to 20" I thought to myself. "wow,that's alot." I said my heart shattering into a bunch of pieces. "Eleanor we have to talk face to face." Bill said "I don't know if I will be able to face you." I said, "Eleanor please,I never loved them,I love you, I will protected you from my Tom,and Dave. I wanted to die seeing your body then seeing it gone." Bill sobbed. "You have to go ,so go." I cried. "n." I hung up the phone. "Fuck!" I shouted out loud. I ran out to Ruby and Mac. I fell into their arms and sobbed my heart out,they cried with me. Then we went to my bed and I fell asleep in Mac's arms and Ruby kissing my forehead.

I woke up in Mac's arms and then walked to the bathroom. I looked in the repaired mirror,and saw kiss marks on my forehead and on my arm, one on my arm was pink so Mac's and the one's on my forehead was a deep red Ruby's color. I smiled then stopped when I remember the call. I locked the door,lit a cig,and then started the shower and waited for it to be hot,and leaned against the counter and finished the cig wondering if I should light another one,I shook my head,and got unclothed,then got in the hot shower. Then I sobbed,I fell for a man I can't love,but I can but the risks,I could die. But anything for love right?

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