Ch:2 Prove them Wrong my Young Padawan

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Asta was running to where he usually trained. The skull of the demon and the statue of the 1st Wizard King. He was still in shock of what he did and why he was so overwhelmed with rage to the point of wanting to kill someone. Asta decided until he learned to control this power he wouldn't return back to the orphanage. So from that day onwards Asta vigoursly trained to master the force with the force guiding him in every way it could. Asta was a quick learner as it felt like the force came naturally to him. During this Asta had met a swordsmen from the Diamond Kingdom named Fanzel who taught Asta better forms and how to wield a sword.

One day the force led Asta to a cave outside the forest of Hage to were he found a blue kyber crystal. At start he thought it was a magic stone but it didn't have any symbols like the one Yuno had. So when Asta approached it and grabbed it. His consciousness was sucked into the crystal.

Asta wakes up in area he was unfamiliar with. Until he heard a voice tell him "Well, who do we have here?". Asta turned around to see a man with brown hair, with a scar on his face and looked around in his early 20s. "My name is Asta". "Anakin Skywalker is mine it seems you've found my kyber crystal from my lightsaber". Asta looks around asking were they where. "Your consciousness is in the kyber crystal. You somehow managed to access it which I then let you enter. It also seems like you can feel it. The force right, Asta". Asta nods his head Anakin goes to explain what the force is and what you can do with the force. "So that's the force and since it seems your the only force user left Asta I'll be teaching you everything I know".


6 Months later

We see Asta meditating with rocks floating around him. In this time period Asta had learnt how to use the force properly, how to wield a lightsaber and learnt how to build technology such as a lightsaber and 2 other things. We see that Asta finishes his meditation with the rocks no longer floating around him, he then walks over to Anakin. Asta says "Master Anakin I have finished my training what's next". "Well I have taught you everything you need to know. The rest is for you to figure out yourself because it's a Jedi's path for him to forge himself. So it's time for you to use it in the real world and restore peace and balance to the world my Young Padawan". Asta nods his head "I will master and thanks for everything you have done for me. I'll use it to the best of my abilities and I'll try my best to bring peac..." "No Asta! Try not. Do or do not, there is no try". Asta looks at Anakin with widened eyes and nods with affirmation. "OK now go on my Young Padawan and prove the ones that doubted you wrong". Asta bows and turns around and walks to the light as he disappears. Anakin looks at Asta while he's leaving and smiles but stops while thinking in his mind "Hopefully he doesn't turn into the dark side like I did".

We return to Asta waking up in the cave with the blue kyber crystal glowing in his hand. Asta stands up and sees that he looks well more toned and grew to 6'2. Asta thinks in his mind and says "Thank you Master Anakin for everything". Asta goes around the forest scavenging parts to build a lightsaber and ends up building one he also builds 2 other things and hides them in the cave where he found the kyber crystal.

Asta continues his training by himself and with Fanzel not revealing anything to him. Again one day wanders outside the forest looking for materials only to find an abandoned house. He enters the house and sees a photo frame of a woman that looked very much like him with a boy that looked like a devil he takes it and puts it in his pocket. He then sees a dusty grimoire he picks it up and scrolls through it has words that he doesn't understand. When he's about to drop it down the grimoire activates and goes to him leaving him shocked. But from the book he senses with the force that somethings in it. He smiles to himself and says "Sure you can come along". He grabs the grimoire and puts it in a pouch at the back of his waist.


Entrance Exam

We see Yuno standing in the arena where the magic knight ceremony is taking place. Everybody is talking about him and why no anti-magic birds are around him. Until one of them says that's the kid with the 4-leaf clover grimoire this causes several contestants to whisper amongst themselves.

But we see Yuno thinking to himself. He thinking about how he hasn't seen Asta since the incident with Revichi. He never returned to the orphanage in Hage in 10 months. He left everyone sad because he left. When Yuno told them what happened it left them shocked but he didn't explain the pure evil intent in Asta's eyes on the day because he didn't want to cause more stress or scare Father Orsi, Sister Lily and the children. Yuno just thinks to himself that he will never forget that look on Asta's eyes. Yuno attention gets distracted from his thoughts when he sees 3 magic knights from the Black Bulls with 2 of them bickering and the other one just whispering He says out loud by mistake asking "Who are they". Then someone besides him says "Ba-ha those are the Black Bulls with the captain being the one smoking the cigarette. His name is Yami Sukehiro. There squad is considered be the worst of the worst amongst all the squads. I would never want to be on a squad like that to be honest. Oh by the way the names Sekke, Sekke Bronzazza". "Names Yuno and thanks for the information, I'll take that into account". "No problem Yuno".

Suddenly right infront of the eyes of Yuno and Sekke they see someone land right from the sky infront of the Captain of the Black Bulls causing a dust cloud to form causing everyone to bring there attention to the commotion. Once the smoke clears up they see a tall boy with grey hair and wearing robes. This boy in question looks at the man in front of him and says "Hello there". Yami looks at this boy with anger written all over of his face and says "Kid tell me right now why I shouldn't kill you right now". As he let's off his killing intent and goes to grab the boy with his hand and crush his head. But as Yami was raising his hand he was suddenly held in place as boy proceeds to raise his own hand. This causes Yami to freeze in place. Everyone was confused as to why Yami just suddenly stop. The 2 members of the Black Bulls look in confusion at Yami and this boy as the man with brown hair from the Black Bulls then asks Yami "What's wrong Captain". Yami with some struggle in his voice says "The kid has frozen me in place. Kid can you let go of me it's annoying". The boy then lowers his arm and it let's Yami free. Yami then scoffs to himself and proceeds to walk away while mutter to himself saying "Kids nowadays". Everyone is shocked with just went down the boy looks around and smiles at everyone until he turns around.

We see Yuno staring at what happened in confusion wondering what happened. Until the boy turned around to look at him. Yuno then says in a shocked tone "Asta?".

------------------------------> To be continued

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