chapter 3

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"Who was that mom?" Maverick asks when jay and his friend walk away.

"Just someone I knew a long time ago." I tell him and look at my watch "Bailey should be here soon, why don't you go get your stuff around."

"Can't we just stay here tonight?"

"Dom won't be at home." I tell him knowing he's the reason my son doesn't want to go home.

"Should have killed that piece of shit" he sneers.

"Language, mav," I sigh. "I'm going to get us out of there okay?"

"Mom, we can just stay here."

"Mav, he knows there's only two places for us to go. Here or caras. We don't need him showing up here and making a scene. I need this job right now."

"Okay," he sighs.

I'm greatful when we pull up to our little house that Dom's truck is not here. I didn't figure it would be it was Saturday after all.

I have known Dom since highschool. I never had any interest in him back then, hell we weren't even friends. A little over five years ago I was out with Cara when he came up to our table and asked me on a date. At first he was good he treated me and mav great. He included my son when we would go out,  he helped me when my car broke down, I never even saw him looking at another female.

That all changed three years ago when we moved in together. He started coming home from work late, going out on Saturday night, coming home smelling like perfume. When I asked him about it he got angry. The first time he hit me was about six months after we moved in together. It's kind of ironic really, my employee was late for work so I had to stay over, but in doms mind I was out cheating on him. It was just a slap that night, but over the last couple years it's got progressively worse.

Last week I went to the grocery store, when I went to swipe my card it declined. All of my money had been taken out of my account. When I confronted Dom about it ge lost it. He screamed I screamed back. When he pinned my arms behind my back and slammed my face against the wall everything went black.

I woke up to my son over top of Dom punching him in the face. Mav is huge for a fifteen year old, his dad was the same way. After I finally got mav off of Dom, Dom left. He came back the next day doing his normal apology, saying he's sorry and it won't happen again. I know better, it's just a matter of time before he kills me.

I don't want my son growing up like this. I don't want my son having to protect me, that's my job as his mother, but I'm obviously doing a shit job at it.

After I make dinner for mav and head to bed, I lay awake thinking about jay. The way he just showed up here after sixteen years of nothing, he doesn't get to do that. He doesn't get to come here and blow my life up. He hasn't been worried about me or his son since he left, we don't need him. I sure as fuck don't want him. I need to figure out a way to make him leave.

Mav hasn't asked about his dad since he was ten, when he did ask I didn't know what to say. I told him I loved his dad once upon a time. I told him sometimes things just don't work out like we hoped they would. When he asked if his dad knew about him I was honest with him and told him no.

Mav looks more like me than his dad except for the brown hair and his build. I'm thankful for that today. I thought a lot about what I would do if jay showed back up, but now that he's here I don't know what to do. Mav deseves to know who his dad is, but I don't know jay anymore. I don't know what kind of person he is now. I won't risk my son's safety or happiness just so he can know who shares his DNA.

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