This surprises Kageyama as he hesitantly grabs the coffee out of Hinata's hand. He's not gonna talk?

They both stand in front of each other in awkward silence. Kageyama was unsure if he should say anything or not. He may not know Hinata very well but it feels unusual to see him this quiet.

"Thanks." Kageyama mumbles, scratching his neck awkwardly. "I should get going now. Bye." He wastes no time and begins walking off ahead, his pace fast as he was desperate to get out of this awkward situation.


Well, shit. Kageyama stops in his tracks, looking over his shoulder as he curiously looks at Hinata.

It was Hinata's turn to avert his eyes, his face looking more guilty and sad.

"Sorry if I offended you yesterday." Hinata looked like he wanted to say more but he chose not to, fearing that he'd make the same mistake again. Kageyama stares at him in shock, mouth slightly agape, before his expression softens.

So that's why...

Guilt bubbles up inside Kageyama. Hinata was apologizing for something he had no intention of doing, blaming himself for Kageyama's attitude. It's not your fault is what he wants to say. But that would lead him to be too open about his personal life.

"It's fine." Is what comes out of his mouth. "I was just uncomfortable, that's all." Kageyama's eyebrows twitched, his words left a bitter taste in his mouth as he spoke.

Hinata nods in understanding before his bright smile returns to his face.

"I won't be pushy anymore and I'll let you talk to me only if you want to." Hinata sends him a reassuring smile and Kageyama finds himself dumbfounded at his words. "You seem like a great guy to hang out with. But I don't want to make you uncomfortable and you probably don't have the same thoughts as me. I should've been more considerate."

Kageyama stays quiet, unsure of what to say from Hinata's words. Hinata didn't mind his silence, he just kept a smile on his face as he rummages around his pocket.

Watching curiously, Kageyama sees Hinata pull out his phone and give it to him with his contact number open. "I'll give you my number but it's up to you if you want to talk to me and maybe if you're ready you can hang out with me and my friends." He says with a bright smile.

Kageyama was speechless at the sudden act of kindness. And I thought he was a dumbass. He was kind of thankful to Hinata for understanding his personal space and giving him the choice to talk or not. He felt like he could breathe easily again.

It takes a second for Kageyama to realize that Hinata was holding out his phone, patiently waiting to exchange numbers. Kageyama quickly grabs his phone from his pocket and they exchange numbers in silence.

Hinata puts it back in his pocket and gives him one more smile before heading off, leaving Kageyama standing at the cafe's entrance.

Kageyama stares at Hinata's back as he goes further and further away. To this day, Kageyama realized something new about Hinata. He has a kind soul even to people like me.


The front door opens as Kageyama steps in, feeling the cold breeze disappear as he enters the warm atmosphere of his home.

He checks the living room for any sign his sister was home before releasing a breath of relief. He takes his shoes off and puts on his slippers, heading up to his room with his coffee.

Kageyama lets out a long sigh as he rests his back on his mattress, feeling the ache of his muscles dissipate. He leaves his half-empty coffee on his desk, staring blankly at the ceiling in thought.

"Maybe if you're ready you can hang out with me and my friends."

Kageyama purses his lips in consideration, eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. The more he thinks about those words, the more his urge to try grows stronger. This was his chance to experience hanging out with real friends. Not his teammates. But friends.

He turns his head to the side, eyeing the coffee displayed beside him. Immediately, Hinata comes to mind.

Sighing deeply, he grabs his phone from his pocket and opens his contacts, seeing Hinata's phone number saved. He takes a deep breath before he began typing.

This is my only chance.


Laughter booms around the mall as Hinata jokes with his friend, Yamaguchi. They walk around the mall, drinking their coffee, thinking about any topics that would keep the conversation going and the day fun.

Hinata watches as Yachi playfully bickers with Yamaguchi with a smile on his face. He feels a vibration in his pocket, catching his attention as he averts his gaze from them to his pants.

He quickly rummages through his pockets and pulls out his phone, thinking it was Natsu texting him. Though he tilts his head in confusion when he sees an unknown number pop up.

He subconsciously follows behind his friends as he opens his contacts, checking the message more clearly.



Can I join you next time?

I'd like to meet your friends.


Hinata takes time to process the message before a name pops up in his mind. Kageyama.

A grin made its way up to Hinata's face, suddenly feeling more excited than ever. He quickly sends a reply before putting his phone away, the big smile of his never leaving his face as kept thinking about finally befriending Kageyama.

"Hinata!" He hears Yachi call out for him. He blinks back to reality and sees his friends way ahead of him, all of them looking at him with curious eyes. "What are you doing? The movie starts in 10 minutes!"

"Oh! Right!" Hinata quickly rushes towards them, his coffee nearly spilling. "Let's go!!" He gets ahead of them excitedly, still feeling giddy from earlier.

His friend, Tsukishima, sighs at his enthusiasm before he follows behind him with Yachi and Yamaguchi right behind him. "His mood is quick to change." He mumbles as he sips his coffee. "Right? He seemed out of it earlier." Yamaguchi mentions and they all stare at Hinata's back in the distance.

"Well, he seems happy now. So that's good, right?" Yachi mumbles and the other two nod in agreement as they continue to watch the childish man giggle around the mall.

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