Story n°3 - At night

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It's night and quite late but you can't really sleep so you're reading. The boys and you had rooms apart in this big house you rent for a vacation. The room's lighting is just a simple candle on your bedside table and your window is slightly open to let some fresh air in the room since the heat has been quite hot earlier.

As you're finishing your chapter, you hear soft footsteps approaching, making you lift your head from your book. You hear them stop to your door seconds later before three soft knocks echoes, so you naturally answer: "yes ? Come in"

As soon as you speak up, you see the door open on the bassist of the band. You look at him and smile:
"Oh hey, I guess you can't sleep too ?" - he gives you a nod and shyly comes up to you:
"I- I wondered if.. I could stay a little bit with you ? It's okay if you don't want- I went to see the boys and they all were sleeping so.." he explains in a pretty shy voice. You notice how his cheeks are tinted in pink and it makes you smile softly. You gives him a nod and makes some room for him to lay down with you:
"Of course.. here, you can lay down if you want, yeah ?" you tell him softly, looking at him. A smile lights up his face at your offer and that's what he decided to do. You're quite surprised of his move but it makes you happy since you liked him a lot.

When he was laying down next to you, he quickly realise that you're focused in your book so he takes the opportunity to snuggle close to you and rests his arm on your chest carefully. Not really paying attention to what he did but somehow feeling it, you lift your head only to see that he is now asleep, and snuggling against you like a little kid. The sight of him sleeping like this just draws a smile on your face.
You makes sure to not move too much while putting your book down and after contemplating him a last time, you blows on the candle and start your night.

The next day, you open your eyes to this sweet boy still sleeping into your arms. You take time to contemplate him again, noticing everything you could see: his chest rising up and down as he breathes, the soft eyes and mouth tics and his incredible smooth face, with few beauty marks here and there, his perfect trimmed eyebrows and his long brown hair, making him look like a dream.
Soon, you saw him open his eyes and look at you directly, with a tiny smile: "h-hi- I hope you didn't mind me falling asleep here, I felt really comfortable and I didn't realise that I fell asleep.." he says shyly. You smiles at him and you just stroke his hair carefully, liking how the feeling is:
"I don't mind at all, whenever you can't sleep, remember that I stay awake late, so don't be afraid to come snuggle" - you tell him, smiling again as he blushed from your touch.

After this, you two spend few minutes cuddling in bed until Roger's quite loud breakfast call..

~ the end ~

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