Return Of Darkness

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Silver quickly assessed the situation. He knew he had to think strategically to defeat Ariana. "Crobat, use Confuse Ray!" he commanded. The Crobat's eyes glowed, and it released a disorienting ray towards Vileplume.

Ariana smirked. "Vileplume, use Sunny Day!" she ordered. The Vileplume created a bright and sunny atmosphere, negating the effects of Crobat's Confuse Ray.

Silver knew he had to act quickly. "Crobat, use Cross Poison!" he called out. The Crobat's wings glowed with a deadly purple energy as it slashed at Vileplume with its poisoned fangs.

Ariana's smirk faded into a look of surprise as Vileplume took a direct hit from the powerful attack. The poison from Cross Poison seeped into Vileplume's system, causing it to wince in pain.

"Vileplume, use Solar Beam!" Ariana commanded, hoping to turn the tide of the battle in her favor. Vileplume began to absorb the sunlight, preparing to unleash a devastating Solar Beam attack.

But Silver was one step ahead. "Crobat, use Quick Attack!" he shouted. The Crobat flew towards Vileplume with incredible speed, interrupting its Solar Beam charge and dealing a powerful blow.

The battle raged on, with Silver and Ariana exchanging blows and strategies. Silver utilized his Crobat's speed and agility to his advantage, while Ariana relied on Vileplume's diverse move set and type advantages.

In the end, it was Silver's strategic thinking and determination that won him the battle. With a final, well-timed attack, his Crobat knocked out Ariana's Vileplume, leaving her with one Pokémon left.

Ariana gritted her teeth, clearly frustrated by the turn of events. "You're good, I'll give you that," she said, recalling her fainted Vileplume. "But this isn't over."

She sent out her final Pokémon, a formidable Houndoom. Its eyes gleamed with malice as it faced off against Silver's Crobat.

Silver didn't back down. He knew he had to give it his all to defeat Ariana's powerful Houndoom. "Crobat, use Brave Bird!" he commanded. The Crobat charged towards Houndoom with incredible force, taking damage in the process but dealing a devastating blow.

Ariana's Houndoom retaliated with a powerful Flamethrower, but Silver's Crobat managed to dodge most of the attack, thanks to its incredible speed.

The battle raged on, with both trainers giving it their all. In the end, Silver's determination and skill won out. With one final attack, his Crobat knocked out Ariana's Houndoom, securing the victory.

Ariana glared at Silver, clearly displeased with the outcome. "You got lucky this time," she sneered before retreating with her defeated Pokémon.

Silver took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the battle lift from his shoulders. He turned to Ren, a small smile on his face. "We did it," he said, his voice filled with pride.

Ren smiled back at him, feeling a sense of camaraderie and gratitude towards her friend. "Yeah, we did," she replied, knowing that together, they could face anything Team Rocket threw their way.

As they made their way back to the surface, they knew that their journey was far from over. But with their Pokémon by their side and their friendship stronger than ever, they were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. Team Rocket may be a formidable foe, but as long as they stuck together, Ren and Silver knew that they could overcome anything.

As they were coming out of the Underground Passage, Raiden came there and asked if they were alright. Ren asked him if Riyu is safe and he reveals that Riyu is very much safe.He also tells them that Mayu is defeating grunts in the city as they were speaking. Together the three of them make their way to the Radio Tower. However, Silver felt quite uneasy and felt that something was off about Raideb since their last meeting but decided to not question it. They make it to the Radio Tower before Mayu could and as they are about to enter, Silver decides to confront them.

Silver couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been gnawing at him ever since their last meeting with Raiden. He felt a sense of caution and suspicion, but he couldn't put his finger on exactly what was wrong. However, he decided to trust his instincts and confront Raiden about it before they entered the Radio Tower.

"Hey, Raiden," Silver said, his voice serious. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

Raiden looked at him with a quizzical expression. "Sure, what's up?" he replied.

"I don't know... it's just that ever since we met again, something feels off," Silver said hesitantly. "I can't quite explain it, but it's like you're different somehow."

Raiden's expression remained neutral, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "Different? How do you mean?" he asked.

"I can't quite put my finger on it, but your behavior, the way you talk... it's like you're not the same Raiden I knew from before," Silver said. "I want to trust you, but there's a part of me that's unsure. As he said that, Raiden suddenly released his Croconaw and commanded it to attack Ren.The moment Raiden released his Croconaw and ordered it to attack Ren, the atmosphere in the room tensed up. Silver's suspicions were now validated, and he instinctively stepped forward to protect his friend.

"Raiden, what are you doing?!" Silver exclaimed, his voice filled with concern.

The moment Raiden released his Croconaw and ordered it to attack Ren, the atmosphere in the room tensed up. Silver's suspicions were now validated, and he instinctively stepped forward to protect his friend.

"Raiden, what are you doing?!" Silver exclaimed, his voice filled with concern.

Raiden's eyes were cold and distant, and a sinister grin crept across his face. It was like looking at a completely different person. "I'm sorry, but I can't have you interfering," Raiden said in an unnervingly calm tone.Ren's eyes widened in shock and fear as the Croconaw lunged toward her. As the connected, it evolved into a terrifying Feraligatr and left her  unconcious as he picked up the Card Key. Silver was furious and engaged him in battle.

Silver's heart pounded with a mix of worry for Ren and anger at Raiden's sudden betrayal. He knew he had to stop his friend, but he also couldn't bear to hurt him.

"Raiden, snap out of it!" Silver shouted, his voice trembling with emotion. "This isn't you! Fight whatever's controlling you!"

Raiden's Feraligatr, now fully evolved and powerful, responded to its trainer's commands with relentless aggression. Silver's Feraligatr bravely fought back, trying to subdue Raiden's Pokémon without causing too much harm.

But Raiden's attacks were precise and ruthless. It was as if he had become a different person entirely, and the dark force driving him seemed unstoppable.

Silver knew that he couldn't hold back any longer. He needed to protect his friends and stop Raiden's rampage. With a heavy heart, he gave the command for his Feraligatr to use its most powerful move.

"Feraligatr, use Hydro Pump!" Silver called out.A powerful torrent of water shot out from Feraligatr's jaws, aimed at Raiden's Feraligatr. The two powerful Water-type moves collided, creating a massive explosion of water that shook the room.

In the midst of the chaos, Raiden's Feraligatr was knocked back by the force of the attack. It seemed to snap Raiden out of his trance momentarily, and he looked at his Pokémon in shock."Raiden, please!" Silver pleaded, seeing a flicker of recognition in his friend's eyes. "We can help you, but you need to fight this!"But before Raiden could respond, the dark force seemed to take control again. His expression twisted into a cruel grin, and he raised his hand, commanding his Feraligatr to retaliate.

"Finish them!" Raiden's voice was cold and heartless as he pointed at Silver and his Feraligatr.Silver's heart sank, realizing that his friend was completely lost in the darkness. He had no choice but to continue the battle, knowing that he couldn't let Raiden harm anyone else.With a heavy heart, Silver and his Feraligatr fought back with all their strength. The battle between the two friends was intense, filled with powerful moves and fierce determination.

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