"I know how things are right now so let me he-"

"You don't know me, you don't understand. Just leave me alone." Zayn breathed. He didn't want to choke up in front of another person again today. He scraped his things off the table into his bag and stepped around Renee.

"I'm just offering a shoulder." Zayn rolled his eyes. Renee seemed okay enough but he didn't like her personality. He hated her nosy personality, if she minded her business maybe he may just look over her past actions.

She watches the boy grumpily leave school. She felt sorry for him. Outside of the school setting he had nothing, it was known by everyone. She used to think he rode on the coattails of his richer friends for popularity and notoriety but it was quite the opposite as she learned. She shakes away her thoughts and walked over to Aubrey's desk who still sat in the empty classroom.

"You heard what he said, if it's not directed, not accepted." Aubrey scoffed as the girl repeated the words back to him.

"Do you have the video?" The video, relating to Zayn smashing his phone.

"I sent it on the group chat already." Aubrey nodded with his eyes on his phone.

"I feel bad cuz maybe he did think of Aaron as a friend." Renee pouted just thinking about it.

"I don't think so. He always hated him and had no trust in him so I don't think so." If Zayn was that offended he definitely thought of him as a friend.

"What if he thought of you as a friend and he felt betrayed."

"Nonsense. He was annoyed by me and hated my presence. I mean I purposely did and said stuff too but he doesn't like me." Aubrey laughed about it but Renee felt differently.

"I kinda feel like you two were sorta friends so I feel bad."

"If I had to choose between him and Aaron. I'll choose Aaron in a heartbeat. It was never really about being his friend but protecting Aaron. I mean at least they won't hang out anymore so, problem solved but my friendship is strained and I think I might need your help to get back in the group's good graces." Aubrey giggled as ideas swirled in his head.

"Question, if you had to choose between me and Saint, who would you choose?" Aubrey giggled but this was a serious question.

"You're kidding right?" She blinked, waiting for an answer. " How do you answer that? Is she really making him pick? Saintclair and her were both his friends. Does she still hold resentment towards him? They were always civil toward each other so Aubrey didn't understand what was going on. Aubrey chuckled trying to take it as a joke but when his eyes met with hers she was serious. The difference between his relationships with Zayn and Aaron was one saw him as a nuisance and the other as a true friend. The one between Her and Saintclair's didn't differ. "There is no reason to choose."

"There is and the fact you can't see it is the answer." She left him in the empty classroom thinking about where or not he should have placated her and chose her.

Renee walked out into the parking lot to see if she could spot Zayn before he left. She ran across to where he was just staring at his door handling, startling him in the process.

"What do you want now?"

"I just wanted to say... it's not your fault you have shit friends and it's not your responsibility to look after anyone but yourself. Take care of yourself and if you need someone I'm around." Renee smiled at him but he didn't return it.

"I don't need your help.

"I'm not here to be friends, I'm here if you need a shoulder."She grabbed his hand and pushed a piece of paper into his palm. "Call me anytime I'm always reliable." She was gone as quick as she came. Reliable my ass. Zayn huffed at the tiny piece of notebook paper. He crumbled the thing up and stuffed it in his pocket. He didn't trust anyone from the Chronicles. Yet 2 days later he finds himself taking advice and listening to Renee.

Even as he listens to her he could hardly hear her as the only thing he could think is damn we should fuck. That was completely inappropriate as she was spilling out her feelings to him. He couldn't help but feel like she put herself in that position. If you hate Saintclair so much why would you still stick around him, talk to him and regard him as a friend. Why would she be in a group with Aaron when she absolutely resents him. She seemed so weird to him.

What if he got his revenge through her? It seems cruel but it would cut deep. It kept playing in his brain the play he should do on the Chronicles.

"What if we did it?"

"I'm sorry?" Renee squeaks, almost dropping her phone. Zayn rolls over in his direction, his signature smirk spread across his face. "I'm not sure about that..."

"Wow you're still held up on Saintclair. From what you described it sounds like he treats you like absolute shit. He shouldn't care and you shouldn't care what he thinks. "Renee, if you don't get the hint yet, I don't invite just anyone into my room, it suggests I wanna go further than chatter." The girl felt like her mouth went dry. Bad idea all around. For some reason even getting this close to Zayn felt wrong and she felt guilty. She still had feelings for Saintclair even if it was so long ago, she never moved on. She had no outside experience with nobody else. "What do you say?"

"I feel like I can't do that." he stands up, walking calmly over to the chair where she was seated in and leans down, lips so close she could feel his breath on your ear. She tensed up as one of his hands came to rest high up on your thigh.

"The only thing holding you back is your mind." He kissed down her face and the girl made a small squeak at the contact. "If you don't want to just say the words." She gazed into his eyes which were so close to her. She took a deep breath digesting this idea. She could turn anything around in her favor so this isn't too bad.

"I Um... don't know..." She pushed one of her braids behind her ear. "Yes?"

"Oh my god. I need clear answers Renee. Say the words. We could leave things right here or..." Her mind and thoughts were muddled. "You know the first time I decided to venture out with someone other than Daniela, I felt sorta bad, like I was guilty but it was part of growth. Maybe we can be part of each other's growth." She pushed all doubts in the back of her mind and pulled Zayn in.

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