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There he was, dinner with Yzma. That weirdo. She was so ugly! It's a wonder he didn't fire her ages ago! Why did she even want him here? She wasn't one for pleasantries, that's for sure. But hey, Kuzco couldn't just turn down food, right? They were being awfully weird though.... Kronk was such a dumb guy. His spinach puffs smelled good though, so Kuzco didn't mind too much...... Oh, hey, drinks are served! Kuzco's inner monologue was silenced as he accepted the drink. He thanked Yzma and took a sip. It tasted weird..... But whatever. THUMP. Kuzco's head hit the plate in front of him. He was out could.

"Perfect!!!!" Yzma exclaimed. But it wasn't as perfect as she thought.....

"So, where were we?" Kuzco sat back up like nothing had happened. Except his ears were longer.... And brown.... And..... Hairy? He rambled on about something, completely unaware. His neck elongated as he talked, sprouting the same brown hair that was on his ears. Before they knew it, Kuzco had fully transformed into a llama! Kuzco was oblivious. As he continued to chatter, Yzma tried to signal to Kronk to knock him out. The idiot finally caught on and whacked him upside the head with a salad bowl. After some discussion, Kronk stuffed Llama-Kuzco into a bag and ran off with him. He stuck it on a cart, and then ran back to Yzma. Kuzco was left there to fend for himself. Then, suddenly he wasn't. When he woke up, he was on a boat in the middle of a lake. A lake in a dark, gloomy cave.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" rang his cry of agony. "I'M STUCK AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM!!!!!!!!!!"

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